Four Hours Before the Incident

Monday, January 1, 3:32 p.m.

From GothamGuardian5 to PlainJane2:

Question: Would you rather only watch one single movie for the rest of your life or only eat the same food for the rest of your life? Also, whichever one you pick, I need to know the name of the movie or what kind of food. Your answer is very important.

By the way, did you stay for charades?

From PlainJane2 to GothamGuardian5:

Unfortunately, I did stay for charades. It wasn’t so bad. Only one person got mad, and it wasn’t me this time, so that was a win. I did say I was competitive, didn’t I? And I guess I would say movie. And it would be The Holiday. Because Jude Law. What about you?

From GothamGuardian5 to PlainJane2:

The Holiday? I’ve never seen it. I guess I better remedy that. For me it would also be a movie, and it would be Inception. Because Christopher Nolan.

MORGAN REMINDED ME ABOUT MY first challenge, which is to do something out of character, and I have zero idea how to go about it. She texted me this morning and I immediately put it off, because that’s what I do. But now it’s the afternoon and I have no clue how I’m going to do it. I think I’ve already failed this challenge of hers. The first day.

I quickly send a text to Morgan, needing some reinforcement.

Lucy: I have no idea what to do that’s out of character for me

It’s seconds before I see the three little dots appear, and I remember it’s a holiday and she has the day off.

Morgan: Don’t make it so hard. Be brave! Be impulsive! It’s the year of Lucy!

I really wish I hadn’t told her and Ryan the new motto I came up with. It sounds stupid in the light of day.

Lucy: I feel like you don’t know me at all. I’m not impulsive

Morgan: That’s why it would be out of character

Lucy: Oh, I guess you do know me after all

Morgan: You’re at work, right? Make out with someone in the supply room

The scoffing noise I make actually echoes throughout the ER. It’s been an oddly quiet day for a holiday.

Lucy: Please stop watching Grey’s Anatomy. That doesn’t happen in real life

This isn’t helpful.

Also, why did Morgan pick something so hard for the first day? She could have started with something simpler. Ease me into this whole thing slowly. Making me do something out of character seems like a big one to throw at me. Maybe I should quit while I’m ahead? Or ... not ahead.

I’m not giving up because I’ve decided that I’m committed to this. Last night, as everyone else around me kissed at midnight and I sat by myself blowing a noisemaker, I decided right then that I’m going to make a go of this. This year is going to be my year. A different year. A better year. The year of Lucy.

It’s not because I want to have someone to kiss at midnight next New Year’s Eve—although that would be nice—it’s that I want to be able to look back on the past year and feel better about myself. I want to feel like I did something different, rather than the same things I’ve been doing year after year.

Also, I would very much like to have that red coat.

It helped that Ryan told me, right before the ball dropped last night, that he didn’t think I’d make it past the first day, bringing back some of that competitiveness I used to have when I was swimming. No one tells me what I can’t do ... that’s my job. I’m really good at it.

Talking to GothamGuardian5 is out of character for me. But I’m not telling Morgan about that. Mostly because I don’t want her reading into it and pushing me to do something I’m not ready to do. She’s already doing enough of that.

My phone vibrates, and I see I’ve gotten a response from Morgan.

Morgan: [Sends a picture of the red coat]