“Well, I work with him, so that’s kind of hard to do,” I say.

“You know what I mean,” Kyle says.

“What’s wrong with Graham?” my mom asks.

“He’s just not the kind of guy Lucy should be spending time with, that’s all,” says Kyle, a frown on his face.

“Why?” Morgan asks, a look of concern on her face, like she’s been encouraging something she shouldn’t be.

“I’m twenty-nine. Pretty sure I can decide who I want to spend time with,” I say, feeling my defenses rise. “Besides, he’s just a friend.”

Kyle chuckles cynically. “I don’t know if he’s capable of that.”

“Now, Kyle, he was your best friend for years,” my mom says.

“Well, he’s not anymore, and if Lucy knows what’s best for her, she’ll stay away from him.”

Why does it feel like we’re in some sort of made-for-TV western? You stay away from that fella, ya hear?

I look to Kyle. “What made you change your mind about him? I thought you just grew apart.”

“We did,” he says.

“Why does it seem like there’s more to the story?”

“There’s not,” Kyle says, quickly. “I just don’t think he’s worth your time.”

“Kyle, honestly, he’s nothing but a friend.”

Do I double down here? Do I tell them he’s never even so much as flirted with me? No, because if I did then Kyle would wonder why that even came to mind. I’ve only noticed because his reputation doesn’t seem to equate to the man I’ve been spending time with. It could be I’m not his type, but I haven’t seen him live up to the gossip with anyone else at the hospital either. It could be he’s not like that at work, but I spent the evening with him, and he was nothing but friendly.

I appreciate Kyle’s protectiveness. He’s always been this way. With all of us, but especially with me. I’m his only sister, after all. But, I’m also a capable adult who can get played if she wants to. Except that’s not what’s happening here.

“Well, this dinner is really great, Mom,” Derek says, moving the conversation on to something else, as he often does when things get heated. I’m not always grateful for his peacemaker ways, but I appreciate them right now.

I look to Morgan to see that she’s still got a concerned look on her face, and I give her a comforting smile, telling her without words that she doesn’t need to worry. I’m sure we will be discussing it in detail later.

She doesn’t have anything to worry about. Even if Graham’s reputation is true and he’s sleeping around with every single girl in Aspen Lake, he clearly has no intentions of trying anything on me. This is a good thing.

So why does that sort of bother me? It’s not like I’ve been thinking about anything more than friendship with Graham. And he definitely doesn’t see me that way. Besides, even if I were thinking like that, my inexperienced self wouldn’t know what to do with the likes of Graham Shackwell.

I’ll just tuck that little irritation away.


“ANY PROGRESS WITH THE ASSIGNMENT I gave you?” Gloria asks as I sit on the couch across from her in a mostly white office. We’re thirty minutes into our semimonthly session.

Gloria’s feet are crossed at the ankles, a pad of paper in her hand. She reminded me of the actress Viola Davis when I first met her. But now I don’t see it anymore. She’s Gloria, my therapist, the person who’s been incredibly impactful with helping me navigate the changes I’ve been making. Or, trying to make.

“Yes, actually,” I say, bobbing my head up and down. “I’ve established a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex.”

She tilts her head to the side, giving me a faint smile. “You don’t need to sound so clinical, Doctor.”

“Right,” I chuckle. “I’ve made a friend. Someone from my past, actually.”

“Oh?” Gloria’s eyebrows move up her forehead.

“Not that past,” I say. “Before all that. When I was younger.”