“Little Barky is getting married?”

“He’s not so little anymore,” Lucy says. “And don’t call him Barky when you see him. He doesn’t like it.”

Kyle and I gave him the nickname because for a while, when he was a little guy, he went through a phase of communicating by only barking. In hindsight, we could have been more creative with the name. But it stuck.

For every time Lucy used to bother Kyle and me, Ryan did it ten times more. I got used to him being our little shadow whenever I hung out at the Prices’ house. Which was most of the time. My home was tumultuous most days. Having no siblings, getting to be part of a big family and experiencing that dynamic was something I needed—something I craved, really. Kyle’s parents were what I always thought parents should be like. They seemed like they loved each other, not like mine, who spent most of my childhood fighting. And most of my adulthood, really. I don’t know why they’re still together.

“I can’t believe Ryan’s getting married,” I mutter, a rush of nostalgia and a hint of sadness sweeping over me. I’ve missed so much of the lives of a family who meant everything to me when I was younger. How did I let that relationship slip away? I know the answer to that: Kyle grew up, and I ... well, I didn’t. That’s how we grew apart. And then me and my stupid ways made it even worse. I wonder if Kyle still thinks about all that. I hope not.

Morgan smiles at me. “It’s happening this summer, and you’re totally invited. Lucy will need a date, anyway,” she says, holding out a hand toward Lucy.

“Morgan,” Lucy says, her friend’s name sounding like a warning of sorts.

“Lucy,” Morgan says, handing the tone right back.

Lucy gives her friend a hostile expression, and I think I’m starting to understand what she meant about Morgan being a pain about this whole thing. This isn’t a challenge to get the two of us together. Lucy and I are just friends. Nothing more. Do I tell her? Do I explain?

I probably shouldn’t bust that out right now. Besides, if Lucy really did need a date to her brother’s wedding when the time arrives, I could go with her. Friends do that. I’m pretty sure. I think I saw it in a movie once.

It’s crazy that I can decipher complex medical conditions and interpret lab results, but understanding the intricacies of a true friendship eludes me.


Friday, January 5, 9:02 a.m.

From GothamGuardian5 to PlainJane2:

You guessed wrong. I’m also scared of sharks. But I did go snorkeling and saw one, so I guess it’s more warranted.

I freaked out and got out of the water immediately, only to find out it was a nurse shark and posed very little threat to humans. I had nothing to be scared of. Still, the damage is done.

Also, this was five years ago. I was in my late twenties.

From PlainJane2 to GothamGuardian5:

I don’t blame you. I’d be scarred for life. Nurse sharks do bite, though (Shark Week aficionado here), but only when provoked. So your freak-out was warranted.

So haunted houses for both of us it is. **shudders**

JUST LIKE I KNEW SHE would, Morgan has run away with this challenge now that Graham is part of it. Her text this morning wasn’t even subtle.

Morgan: Today’s challenge is to randomly kiss someone you work with

I quickly wrote her back.

Lucy: This is why I wouldn’t let you start a group chat with me and Graham like you offered last night. Because you cannot be trusted

Morgan: Is it wrong that I want my best friend to kiss a hot guy? Because Dr. Shack-me-up-well is fiiiiiiiine

Lucy: Should I show this text thread to my brother?

Morgan: Go ahead. He knows we’re solid

Lucy: What’s the real challenge?

Morgan: Fine. But just know I’m rolling my eyes at you right now. Today you must bake something you’ve never made before

Morgan: Bonus points if you kiss