“She’s very dedicated to the cause, unfortunately,” Lucy says. “Also, she lives nearby.”

“She’s thorough. I like it,” I say.

Lucy lets out a breath. “Just know that now she knows you’re doing this too, she’s going to be a pain in the butt.”

“How so?”

“It would take me too long to explain. Just trust me.”

Morgan stands up, a very serious look on her face. “After a careful study, I’m going to have to go with the one on the left,” she says.

“Yes!” I exclaim, throwing a fist in the air.

“What?” Lucy says. “You can’t be serious. I did more than one row on mine.” She points to the gray one.

“Yeah, but yours looks sloppy,” Morgan says.

“What do you know about crocheting?” Lucy asks, looking way too perturbed over some linked-together yarn.

Morgan lifts a shoulder, undeterred. “I know what’s good when I see it.”

“Thank you for your help, Morgan,” I say, picking up my work and feeling triumphant over my row. It might look like a worm right now, but it could be the beginning of something. A scarf? A blanket? A sweater? The possibilities are endless.

Never did I think I could be so excited by yarn. Seriously, who am I?

“Happy to help,” Morgan says. “What’s the score, then?” She looks from me to Lucy and back again.

“I think we agreed to start today because we needed a third party to judge.”

“Well, good. Graham has one point and Lucy has zero.” She holds her hand up, making the shape of an O with it.

“I think I’ve decided we need a new judge,” Lucy says, still looking annoyed she didn’t win.

“Wrong,” Morgan says. “This is my challenge; it’s only right.”

Lucy makes a gargling sound in her throat.

“She warned you that she gets like this, right?” Morgan asks, turning toward me.

“The competitive thing?” I ask. “She mentioned it.”

“Well good, because this is actually not too bad.” She waves a hand in Lucy’s direction.

“Shut up,” Lucy says, a scowl on her face.

“She’s been known to turn over board games when she’s not winning.”

“Monopoly is a very frustrating game,” says Lucy.

“She also got into a wrestling match with my fiancé over Phase 10.”

“The ... card game?” I ask, confused.

“Ryan is a cheater,” Lucy says.

“Wait, your brother Ryan?” I ask, and Lucy gives me a nod. I turn to Morgan. “You’re engaged to Ryan?”

Morgan smiles. “I sure am.”