“It’s her kryptonite. She can’t handle feelings.”

“This is all Evie’s fault,” she says.

I shake my head even though she can’t see me. “No, it wasn’t going well before she interrupted. He was ... hesitant.” Something akin to nausea moves through my stomach. I want to bury this and never think about it again.

“I thought you said he was a man whore.”

“He is ... or he was. I don’t know. Let’s just say he didn’t seem that into it.” I groan. “And now I have to work an entire shift with him.” It would have been nice to not have him there today so I could live my freaking life. Now I’ll have to communicate with him.

“Aw, Luce. That sucks,” she says. “But can I just say how impressed I am by you?”

“I gave it a good try.”

“You did,” she says. “The whole thing was totally out of character. So it counts.”

“I’m glad, because it was my first and last challenge.” Goodbye, red coat. I’ll dream of you.

Morgan scoffs. “No way, Lucy. I’m the boss of you, remember? And as your boss, I say you are going to keep going.”

I let my head hang, making raspberries as I exhale. “I’m done, for real, Morgan.”

“No way, you have to try again. You know, like get back up on the block. Dive into the deep end. Take the plunge.”

“How dare you use swimming metaphors on me.”

“Come on, Lucy. I worked hard on that list. Just try for one more day.”

I let out a long, frustrated breath. “Fine. But if this one goes horribly wrong, I will never speak to you again.”

“I accept that.”

“You only accept that because you know I won’t actually do it.” I could never not speak to Morgan. She’s my emotional support person.

“Exactly,” she says.

I look out the window of my Honda Civic. It’s a gray day, with some menacing clouds in the sky. The hospital looks sort of like a prison in this light. Today it kind of feels like one.

Parked one row over is Graham’s black BMW. Is it wrong that I wish he’d come down with a terrible stomach bug? Or a painful rash on his butt that would require calling in today?

“Remind me what the challenge is today,” I say. She’d sent it to me last night, but I didn’t bother to remember it because I hadn’t planned to continue this experiment of hers.

“Today is easy,” she says. “All you have to do is pinch Dr. Shackwell’s butt.”

“That was not today’s. And I’m pretty sure HR would have a problem with that.”

She clears her throat. “I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t approve of the supply room either.”

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”

I do. I actually adore Morgan. As someone who didn’t grow up with any sisters, she’s filled the role perfectly. Maybe a little too perfectly.

“Fine,” she says. “Today all you have to do is try a different kind of food. My gosh, that sounds so boring now.”

“I’m all for boring. I’m a big fan. In fact, make them all boring.”

“I know you like boring,” she says. “That’s why we’re doing this. Now off with you. Go eat something exotic.”