I look at her short reply. Maybe it has something to do with the fact we skimmed over the whole “long-term” thing, but I’m not in the mood to even think about it right now. I have to focus on today, tomorrow, and maybe the one after, but that’s it.

My phone vibrates again.It’s so different trying to sleep without you holding me.

It’s so different without being the one to hold you,I tell her.I’m in our bed.

At our place? I probably shouldn’t call it that. It probably makes me even crazier.

It’s how I’ll always think of it.


I tighten my grip on the phone. Dammit. It’s like landmines are waiting around every corner.

Sorry,she follows up.That was a bit too much. I need to chill.

It’s like I said before, Mia. I thought we both agreed on that.

I don’t even want to talk about it anymore.

Talk about mixed signals.It’s easier when you’re here with me. Then I can kiss you anytime I don’t know what to say.

Yeah, but we’ve been FORBIDDEN, remember?

He wants us to stop just in case a certain person sees, and he can use it to get support, but nobody will support him. Soon, that won’t even be a problem.

What about Colt’s security?

Despite the long day, my heart starts pounding. It’s one past midnight. Technically, it’s a new day—a new adventure.

We can find a way around that,I tell her,only if you want to. It’ll mean not getting much sleep.

I’m not going to sleep, anyway,she replies,not without you.



I sit at the back door, letting in a cool sliver of night air. There’s a tickle of anxiety and something else, something more filled with desire, fluttering through my body. Colt or Lexi could walk down here any second, but would they, really, at one a.m.? I hold the phone in both hands, waiting for a vibration.

He’s risking a lot to do this. The mafia king told him no, but he can’t stop. He didn’t even hesitate. The connection burns in me, somehow overpowering everything, making all the trauma, regret, guilt, and self-blame somehow easier to take.

The phone buzzes.The northwest corner. The garden door. I’ve unlocked the padlock and disabled the sensor.The security lights should be down for a minute. Go, Mia.

I don’t know where northwest…

I stop, delete the message, and then open the maps app on my phone. Finding the correct corner, I walk across the garden,my heart thumping. It’s not the act of sneaking out, the risk of getting caught. It’s the thought of seeing him again. I push open the door and shut it quietly behind me.

This leads to a small courtyard area, still Colt’s property, with another gate. Dante climbs over the wall, wearing all black, his eyes gleaming in the dark as he walks over to me. I gasp and grab onto him, squeezing his firm body, holding him tightly against me.

He finds my lips pressed down passionately. “We have… to… go,” he says, looping his arm around me.

“How did you do all this?” I murmur. “With the lights and everything.”

“There are tools, small electrical disturbances, remote access, things like that. It only worked because you want to be out here. I couldn’t have gotten into the house. It’s on a separate system. I bet he has a generator and nuclear arsenal down there.”

I can feel him smirking, his lips still against me as he talks.

“Come on, Mia. We need to go. We don’t want to miss our date.”