The Eiffel Tower
“IDIDN’T KNOW THATthis is what it’s like to date someone super rich!” Sarah shouts to be heard above the loud music at the first Wild Horse party of our stay in Paris.
I smile, spotting JeanLuc heading toward us with his gaze fixed on my best friend. Sarah’s in a black leather minidress and sky-high heels.
He’s definitely pulling out all the stops to impress Sarah, and he had his personal stylist waiting for us in her room with a rack of designer clothes to choose from for tonight’s party. A hair stylist and makeup artist were there as well to help us look the part in a room packed with French and international celebrities.
I definitely feel sexy with my dark hair pulled into a high, slick ponytail and a three-quarter sleeve dress that’s made entirely of silver sequins. The designer garment ends scandalously mid-thigh, and the matching silver Louboutin sandals make my legs look miles long.
My makeup is minimal, with dramatic lashes and red lips.
I soon lose sight of Sarah as JeanLuc drags her away with him toward the cordoned VIP area on the opposite end of the ballroom. I’m glad he looks like he’s totally into her. Sarah hasn’t been very lucky in love lately, and she deserves to be swept off her feet by a sexy, French billionaire. It doesn’t matter that JeanLuc’s wealth comes from his family, especially from his movie star father. I’m confident that my childhood friend will do great things in his life. He’sPapa’strue heir, and he reminds me of him in so many ways, which is why Darrius can’t stand him. He’s jealous that JeanLuc has the same charisma and is followed by enthusiastic fans, press, and sponsors for whatever he does. Darrius is only known as the Cove Angels’ captain, but he hasn’t achieved anything important just yet.
Speak of the devil—or should I say Angel—I spot him in a corner with Kiara.
By the looks of it, they are having a heated discussion about something, and my former bestie doesn’t look happy as she crosses her arms over the plunging neckline of her halter top in a stubborn stance I know all too well.
Since they started dating, Darrius has ended up caving to any of Kiara’s demands no matter how outlandish whenever I’ve witnessed their arguments.
I’m surprised when he walks away this time, shaking his head.
I look at my lifelong crush as he stops at a table where his old and new teammates are trying to bond over drinks.
What I see next almost makes me do a double take, and I’d almost think I was drunk when he wraps his arm around Peyton’s shoulders.
“What the fuck is happening?” I ask Jameson and Channing as they approach me with equally surprised expressions on their handsome faces. “I haven’t even touched a drop of champagne, but I must be having some kind of hallucination.”
Channing nods. “You and I both. Darrius just came to ask Peyton to have a drink with him and talk,” he says, following their trajectory to the open bar.
“No shit?” I exclaim.
“Yeah,” Jameson confirms. “He said since we’re stuck working together for the foreseeable future, we should see if we can put an end to our differences.”
I observe them as the bartender pours them shots of what looks like top-shelf vodka.
It would be great if Peyton and Darrius managed to forge a civil relationship, but I’d be lying if I said that I’m not surprised that Darrius took the first step. Maybe Kyle has managed to get through to his son, or maybe Darrius is just trying to gather direct intel on his sworn enemy.
Either way, I’m distracted by Jameson.
“Do you want to dance with Chan and me, princess?” he whispers behind me, his hands circling my waist with a featherlight touch.