Page 94 of Her Devils

I nod. “I can live with that. I’m going to call her on my way home.”

JeanLuc smiles, rubbing his hands together. “Magnifique! I can’t wait to show her Paris and all that it has to offer.”

“JeanLuc!” I scold him. “Try to keep it in your pants for five minutes. Paris has to offer way more than your dick.”

He offers me that smile that has always meant nothing but trouble. “Aww, but you don’t know that,chérie. You’ve never had the pleasure to meetpetit Luc.”

I roll my eyes. “You sound exactly like Channing. In his case, though, there’s nothing ‘petit’about ‘little Chan.’”

He chuckles darkly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and walking me to my car. “I know I’ll get along swimmingly with the Cove Devils. They are everything Darrius could only dream of being, and it sounds like Channing and I have a lot in common.”

I snort. “How do you know that?”

“We’re both unbeatable in speed skydiving, and we both have huge cocks.”

I sigh. “Yeah, another thing that’s huge is the size of your egos.” I kiss him on both cheeks. “Let me go home. I have my best friend to invite to Paris and not a lot of time to pack.”


The Tour




IKNOCK ON THE DOORof Sarah’s bedroom.

JeanLuc gave her the room right next to his, so I guess he’s seriously into her.

“Ready to go downstairs, babe? JeanLuc invited us all to go with him to the Eiffel Tower. He and the guys will take a look at where they are going to jump from and the landing spot. He thought we might like to tour the tower since it’s going to be closed to the tourists tomorrow because of the invitational.”

Sarah squeals, beside herself with excitement. “I can’t wait. I’ve always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower!”

I don’t blame her, it’s absolutely breathtaking and definitely worthy of its fame. “I can’t believe we never managed to take you. I’m the worst best friend in the world.”