Page 88 of Her Devils

Silence descends in the room as all eyes turn to Mom.

“First off, I’d like to congratulate all the skydivers in the room for having secured a spot on their respective national teams for the upcoming world championship. JeanLuc is captain of the French team, of course, and we’ve just received word from Team USA that Darrius, Trent, and Niko were offered a spot on the team, and Ken heard that so have Peyton, Channing, and Jameson. Congratulations, guys. I’ve never been in a room with so many excellent athletes before.”

I’m sure that isn’t technically true, but Mom’s praise turns the frowns on the guys’ faces into wide smiles.

There are a few whoops and shoulder slaps around the table as both teams celebrate the news. JeanLuc is the only one who remains in his seat, observing his American counterparts with an amused smile on his face.

“This is just the news we were hoping to hear.” Peyton beams before turning his attention back to Mom. “I’m just a little surprised that they didn’t call each of us personally. Is this a new policy?”

“No, it isn’t. The official calls won’t go out until tomorrow, but we’ve known the head coach for Team USA for years. He’s a personal friend, and he called us as a courtesy.”

Channing’s smile lights up his whole face. “Thank you for telling us, Gina. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was going insane waiting by the phone and checking my email every thirty seconds.”

There are a few nods around the room, except for Darrius who sneers arrogantly. “Amateurs! I can’t believe I have to work with you at worlds. Hopefully the coaching team will be able to stop you from constantly chasing pussy and teach you how to concentrate on doing the team justice.”

“Don’t worry about us, Penn. There are still individual events, and I’m going to make sure to wipe the fucking tarmac with your ass. After all, I wasn’t the one who kept appearing on every gossip blog with a different groupie at every event this season. I don’t know how your girlfriend hasn’t ditched you yet. Oh, wait, that’s because she’s a gold digger who’s with you because of the spotlight that’s always following you everywhere,” Peyton snaps.

“That’s enough!” Ken slams his fist onto the dark cherry wood of the boardroom table. “You guys have to start working together, or losing your spot on Team USA won’t be the only consequence of the bad blood between you. There’s a lot more at stake than you know.”

Darrius looks unfazed by my stepfather’s words. “What else could be at stake?” he asks arrogantly. “I still don’t get why each team couldn’t get the announcement about Team USA separately, like it should be. I’ve kept quiet about the Cove Devils’ constant presence all season long, but I’ve had enough. Our owners’ personal relationship shouldn’t affect our professional lives. We might have to work together at worlds, but at the end of the day, we’re still each other’s competitors.”

Mom shakes her head, unimpressed with the guys’ antics. “That’s where you’re wrong, Darrius. The announcement about Team USA wasn’t the only reason why you’ve been invited to come here today. There have been a few important changes we want to tell you about.”

I know what Mom is about to say, but it isn’t any less shocking to hear this time around.

“The Cove Devils won’t be returning to the skydiving and BASE jumping scene next season.”

All hell breaks loose.

“Fuck yeah!” Darrius pulls his fist in the air. “It was about fucking time someone realized what a waste of space your ridiculous team is!”

“What the fuck does that mean? Ken, J and I have been friends with Peyton since we were in high school, but we have a contract. What do you mean the Devils won’t be returning—”

All the skydivers in the room—no matter what team they belong to—listen in stunned silence as Mom and Ken explain how the Cove Devils have been bought by the Cove Angels.

“Dad, what the fuck?” Peyton’s eyes are wide, and his fists clench on the table as he looks at his father. “How could you sell our team?”

“It was more of a merger than a sale, Peyton,” Mom reassures him. “Let me explain. Your father received Cove Angels stocks and stocks to our sister company that manufactures wingsuits and other sports apparel. He has a seat at the shareholders table from now on. Your contracts will be reviewed, and you’ll be offered a spot on the Cove Angels.”

There’s a beat of silence as the bombshell sinks in.

“This merger is a good thing,” Mom explains. “Both our teams have been excluded from events that require more than three athletes, but now we’ll be able to compete in all the formation skydiving disciplines. Peyton, Channing, Jameson, welcome to Cove Angels. The official announcement will be going out after worlds, but we wanted you to be the first to hear the news, and hopefully that will help you guys start to heal the rift between the original two teams and work together at worlds.”

The expression on Peyton’s face is hard to read. “That’s a lot to take in. I’m excited to be a part of Cove Angels though. Patrick’s team was always my end goal. He was the reason I started skydiving. I’ll do my best to make him proud, Gina.”

Warmth spreads in my chest at Peyton’s words. He’s never made a mystery of his admiration forPapà, but hearing him say how much he admires him never gets old.

“Thank you, Peyton. I hope the two teams will blend seamlessly in time,” Mom says.

“We’ll see about that.” Darrius’s tone is everything but friendly. “We only have a chance as a team if the Cove Devils will learn to follow my lead, but I’ll do my best to work with them.”

Before anyone can react to his obvious taunt, Mom intervenes. “The team will see a restructuring next season, Darrius. Trent and Niko elected you as team captain, but it wouldn’t be fair to leave things with the current status quo. We’ll appoint a new captain after worlds, when the six of you have had time to work and train together.”

“What the fuck, Dad?” Darrius turns to Kyle. “Did you even have a say in this shit show?”

Kyle remains calm, glaring at his son. “The decision was approved by the shareholders. I voted the way I felt would benefit the Cove Angels and was outvoted. However, we’re all professionals here, Darrius, and I expect everyone in this room to conduct themselves accordingly.”

His words are met with uncertain murmurs by the two teams, while the two captains glare at each other with open animosity.