WE HAVE A MONTH OFFbefore worlds.
In theory of course.
We’re still waiting to hear from Team USA, and I’d be lying if I said that I’m not a little worried about the radio silence on that front.
But we smashed it at nationals, so they surely can’t overlook us. We’ve even managed to keep our noses mostly clean like Ken wanted. The only blemish on our image is the almost fight we had at the first state meet with Penn and his teammates.
Would that be enough to keep us out of the national team?
I’m obsessing about it, and I need to stop. I’ve been running and lifting all morning in the gym to stay busy. I don’t do well when a situation is out of my control, and when the physical exertion isn’t enough to keep my mind from spiraling, I decide to call Lenley.
I’ve been meaning to take her out, just the two of us. I’ve been thinking about this deal we have, and I don’t really know what to do. What I feel for Lenley is more than just physical attraction, and that’s a problem. Peyton and Channing are both right. On one hand, we can’t allow ourselves to develop feelings for Lenley—that would be a shit storm waiting to happen—but it might be too late, considering that she’s all I can think about when I’m not training.
However I look at this, I can see nothing but trouble on the horizon. It’ll destroy our friendship if Lenley chooses one of us, because one thing is certain—Peyton and Channing aren’t indifferent to Lenley. Channing has admitted it, and Peyton doesn’t fool me at all.
There’s always the worst-case scenario, which would be if she ends up giving Penn a shot now that she has his attention. Just the thought of that makes me want to punch through the glass patio door of our house.
I take a deep breath. Whatever happens, I’m not going to find the solution today.
Like my therapist said countless times, if I find myself in a situation I can’t control, I need to let it go and focus on something else.
That something else is definitely Lenley’s sexy body. I know it sounds totally counterintuitive, but spending time with her will distract me from waiting by my phone for the call from Team USA, and getting lost in her soft body will allow me to focus only on the physical part of our relationship. I have no problem figuring that out. I want Lenley, and I have so many things I want to do with her and show her. Sex is easy, it’s when the heart gets involved that things become hard.
Talking about hard, I should call her and see if she’s free.