I’m sure there’s a special place in hell with my name on it, because rather than putting distance between me and one of my oldest friends, I lean against his warm, hard body.
“JeanLuc was a real lifesaver last year.” I smile. “He introduced me to all his friends and took me under his wing. I owe him for putting up with me and being my shoulder to cry on. I don’t know if I ever would have felt strong enough to come back here without his support.”
JeanLuc must pick up the vibe between us, because he offers me a mischievous smile and squeezes me closer to his side, placing a light kiss on my cheek. “Anything for you,chérie. Parties aren’t the same without my favorite girl.”
Mom chooses that moment to approach us, and I’m kind of glad, because the air around our little group is crackling with tension. “Peyton, boys, I see you’ve met JeanLuc Marceau, he was very impressed with your performance in the entire national championship.” She smiles fondly at our surprise visitor. “I’ve known JeanLuc since he was in diapers, when Patrick and I were still dating. He was in love with Lenley when they were little kids, and he kept saying he would marry her one day. Do you remember, JeanLuc?”
Her words do nothing to help the guys relax, and the tension in our small cluster goes up a few notches, almost becoming palpable.
As Ken and Kyle join us, the conversation veers toward the upcoming world championship, and while Channing and Jameson participate in the conversation, Peyton takes advantage of everyone’s distraction to pull me to the side and walk away with the excuse of getting something to drink that isn’t champagne.
He walks me out of sight, marching right into a tiny storage room behind the bar. He crosses his arms over his chest, causing his white shirt to strain against his ripped muscles.
“So JeanLuc Marceau, huh?” he asks pointedly. “I didn’t know you had such famousfriends.”
I shrug, struggling with the urge to giggle, because I’ve never seen Peyton so jealous, not even with Darrius. “Yeah, I’ve known JeanLuc for as long as I’ve known Darrius.”
My explanation does nothing to put Peyton’s mind at ease. “And tell me, how long has JeanLuc had a crush on you?”
A giggle escapes my lips, causing Peyton’s scowl to deepen. “It isn’t like that with JeanLuc, Peyton. He doesn’t like me that way.”
“Bullshit,” he hisses. “From the second he entered the room, he’s had his hands or mouth on you.”
I shrug. “He’s a very affectionate guy, and we haven’t seen each other since I came back to Star Cove after spending an entire year together.”
“Yeah, apparently the poor guy hates partying without you!” he snaps. “Are you sure that you’re just friends? Or did you two have something going on while you were in Paris?”
For as fun as it is to see my stepbrother beside himself with jealousy, I put him out of his misery. “We’re just friends, Peyton, I promise. He helped me get out of my funk, that’s it. Don’t forget that you were my first kiss.”
That seems to calm him down a little bit, and his gaze softens. “It might be the case, but believe me, JeanLuc wants to be more than friends.”
I roll my eyes, taking his hand in mine. “I promise JeanLuc is just one of my oldest friends. He’s just a huge flirt, but he sees me like the little sister he never had.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
“Like Darrius? Apparently his lips keep finding yours. I heard from Channing how he was in your room the night before nationals started.”
I sigh, letting go of his hand. “We were outside on the balcony, not in my room, and I pushed him away. There’s something I don’t get, Peyton,” I say, suddenly feeling tired, the tension from an entire week of competitions weighing on my shoulders.
“What is it?”
“Why does it bother you so much if Darrius kissed me again? I’m just following your advice. You literally told me to do it. I know you hate Darrius, but you need to make up your mind.”
Peyton’s jaw pops as he lowers his head to whisper in my ear. “We’re really close to getting what we set out to do. If you want him to beg, you need to keep him wanting.”
His words annoy me and hurt me all over again, like they did in my room the first time after Darrius tried to kiss me. “So that’s it? You just care about hurting Darrius? I guess I’m an idiot for hoping that you might care about me beyond our deal.”
I feel blood roaring in my ears as my heart picks up its pace. This is risky. If he tells me I’m nothing more than a fuck buddy to him, I don’t know if I can continue with our deal. If Peyton rejects me, it’s going to hurt as much as it did with Darrius—maybe even more.
I fight the urge to lower my gaze, held captive by the dark blue of his irises where intense emotions battle as much as they do in my chest.
“I care. I do,” he finally murmurs. “But it’s complicated, Len.”
That word again.
“What’s so complicated, Peyton?” Now I’m the one who’s furious. “You either care or you don’t. You either want more than this or you don’t. It really isn’t that hard.”