HAVING NATIONALS INStar Cove means a bigger spotlight on the Cove Angels.
We’re the most prestigious and decorated skydiving team in the country and in the history of this relatively young sport. We’re still Patrick DeLaurent’s team.
The only team that has a comparable status is the French National Team, our biggest rivals at worlds.
As the most established team in the state, we offered to do the lion’s share of the hosting, with the USPA using our facilities as a base camp, and for all the official press and sponsored events.
Tonight’s final press conference and closing party is no exception, and we’ve been working around the clock to use a dedicated space within the Patrick DeLaurent Memorial Museum.
Papàwould be proud of how well his team performed, taking a number of national titles, especially considering the unprecedented competition offered by not only the Cove Devils, but a number of other teams as our sport gains popularity.
I get teary-eyed when the president of USPA remembersPapàduring his opening speech. I’m touched by the fact that Darrius talks about him fondly when he’s called onto the temporary stage to accept anad memoriamaward for contributions to this sport.
“Patrick wasn’t just a champion and a mentor,” Darrius concludes, “he was family. I knew him my entire life, and I’m not alone in saying that he’s still very much missed by each and every one of us. Not only at our HQ, but also in the skydiving and BASE jumping community. But he’ll never be gone because of the impressive legacy he left, and that isn’t the only thing that I have to thank Patrick DeLaurent for. He also gave me my best friend. I think she should be the one on this stage accepting this award in his name. Lenley, come up here please, sweetheart.”
I freeze as soon as I hear my name. I must have misheard him. There’s no way he really—
“Lenley,” he repeats, extending his hand in front of him, waiting for me to climb the four steps to the stage. “Come here, darling. Your dad would want you to accept this award on his behalf.”
No, no, no.
I’m happy working on press releases and media promotions, but I don’t want the spotlight on me. Not like this. There’s ESPN, TMZ, and even some foreign press, for crying out loud.
I start shaking my head when I hear Mom and Kyle encouraging me to join Darrius, and like my worst nightmare, the spotlight on Darrius splits into two and finds me.
There’s a round of applause, and I know there’s no way in hell I can get away with not going up on that stage now.
“What the fuck? Why is he calling her up there?” Kiara’s shrill voice reaches me from one side, where she’s standing next to Trent, Niko, and Sarah. “I’m his girlfriend, I should be there with him being photographed—ouch!”
Before Mom and Kyle can intervene, Sarah jams her elbow into our ex-bestie’s guts. “Lower your voice and have a little bit of self-respect, won’t you?” she hisses. “That award is for Lenley’s dad, and there’s no one in the world who should accept it but Len. For once, your dumbass boyfriend is actually right.”
My knees feel wobbly in my high heels, but the venomous glare Kiara throws my way spurs me forward.
I smile softly at Kiara as Kyle whispers something in her ear with a very displeased frown on his face.
“Lenley, here you are, beautiful.” Darrius pulls me into his arms before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and turning me to face the audience. “Ladies and gentlemen, Lenley DeLaurent.”
I accept the glass and brass trophy from Darrius with trembling hands.
It isn’t just stage fright.
The second Darrius releases me from his hug, the Cove Devils enter the room.
Three sets of eyes are focused on me, and I’m barely able to suppress a shudder from the way Peyton, Channing, and Jameson are looking at me.
Or to be more accurate, I don’t think the fury in their gazes is aimed in my direction.
“Lenley, do you want to say anything on behalf of Patrick?” Darrius’s question makes me lift my eyes to his, and the glint of satisfaction in his brown eyes tells me that he’s enjoying the rise he got out of his rivals.
I don’t even know what I say, just some platitudes about how proud I am of the legacyPapàleft behind. The only part of my brief speech that’s completely heartfelt is when I say how much I miss him. “Papàwould be proud of his team today, and elated by how rich his legacy is. I’m not just talking about the Cove Angels, but also about the other team in Star Cove. In such a short time, the Cove Devils have become a fierce competitor and a huge part of our family. I couldn’t miss my dearpapàmore every day, but I know that he would be excited to have so many national champions in Star Cove. He’d be looking forward to seeing what Team USA will do at worlds just as much as I am. Thank you so much for choosing to honor him today, but now it’s time to look at the future of skydiving.”
We leave the stage together, one of Darrius’s hands tightly wrapped around my elbow.