She tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, blinking to keep her own tears at bay. “I know he would.”
We agree to meet at the restaurant after I swing by the house to change into something a little nicer than my office clothes, since Morelli’s is one of the most upmarket restaurants in town.
“Okay, see you at eight? I’m going to show my face at Kyle’s, have an appetizer with them, and then be right over.”
There’s a weird, tight feeling in my chest the entire drive home.
I can’t stop thinking about Mom’s words.
What wouldPapàthink about me if he was still with us? Who would he see me with?
I sigh at the thought that I’m sure he’d never guess that I’m seeing three guys.
I think he’d get along with Jameson and would be fond of Channing. He’d probably be in total awe of Peyton and his endless drive. The Devils’ captain’s passion for this sport is taking Peyton on a similar path to mypapà’s, with his thirst for innovation and technology.
Papàwould respect Peyton’s efforts in designing a new wingsuit the same way he did years ago.
My thoughts finally land on Darrius.
Would he be the Angels’ captain ifPapàwere alive? Or would they be teammates? Some skydivers are active way into their late forties or even beyond that, so I wonder if that would have been the case with mypapà.
Would he have treated Darrius like a son the same way he used to when we were kids?
My questions will never have an answer, and that thought opens the floodgate to my tears right when I park in my driveway.
It takes me a second to collect myself enough to get into the house and make my way to my room.
I’ve never missed mypapàmore than I do right now.
My eyes go to the envelope I got from Kyle with the paperwork that represents my inheritance.
I trace the edges of the envelope with trembling fingers, and the knowledge thatPapàtouched it also makes me feel immediately closer to him.
A part of me is itching to open it and readPapà’slast words for me, but I resist the urge. Once I do that, there’s never going to be another moment to feel that close to him again, and I think I should save this for a time when I really need it.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, steeling myself for the week of meets that will declare this year’s National Skydiving Champions.
There’s a lot at stake, and it isn’t only professional.
My heart is divided between two teams and four different men.
Channing, Jameson, Peyton, and Darrius.
I care for all of them, but can I trust any of them with my heart?
Darrius has broken it more than once before, but it’s Peyton’s dark blue eyes that come to mind right now.
I think you should kiss him. Tease him.
His words hurt all over again.
I know he isn’t my boyfriend, but I am really starting to care about him more than I want to admit.
What he said makes sense because of our deal, but does it mean that this is all I am to him? A fuck buddy and a way to piss off his rival?