Page 54 of Her Devils

I don’t say any of that out loud. “I just came home from the office, and it’s hot outside today. I was about to go change into something a little more comfortable.”

He throws a suspicious glance behind me, as if he’s expecting to see company, and then his brown eyes slowly descend from my face to my body. “The office dress code is casual, so you could have worn something a little better for this weather. You’re right, it’s starting to get really hot.”

We stand there for a long moment, looking at each other, before he clears his throat. “Are you going to invite me in?” he finally asks.

I hesitate. I’m not even sure if I don’t want Peyton to find him here or for Darrius to see Peyton coming here. Probably a little bit of both. “I... Uhm, I was going to go change into something more comfortable, like I just said, so—”

Darrius advances, brushing his arm against mine as he steps into the house. “That’s fine. You go do that. I’m going to put these flowers in some water. I know where Gina keeps the vases. Go get changed, then we can talk.”

“I have work to do, D,” I object, hoping that Peyton doesn’t get here too quickly.

“I promise I won’t take too much of your time, Len.”

I sigh, walking up to my room and changing into a denim skirt and a tank top as fast as I can.

I’m not going to bother with a bra, but I change from my plain black bikini panties to a black lace thong on a whim. I want to look sexy for Peyton.

Darrius is in the kitchen, intent on filling a vase with water. I don’t help him, my mind set on sending him on his way as quickly as possible.

“I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about the things I said to you on Saturday, Len,” he says, setting the vase on the kitchen table.

It isn’t the first time Darrius has apologized to me, but it’s definitely the first time he’s bought me flowers rather than my favorite ice cream or a box of donuts. Somehow this seems so grown up, but the nature of the gift he’s using to show me his regret isn’t the only thing that’s changed. I’ve changed too, and I don’t pull him into a hug like I always did in the past, forgiving him instantly for whatever caused a spat between us.

I don’t say anything, arching a brow in silent encouragement for him to continue with his apology. I’m done making things easy for him. If he’s sorry then I want to hear why.

“I didn’t have the right to talk to you the way I did, Len. I’m not perfect, I never claimed I was, but I shouldn’t have said that stuff about Patrick. I know how close the two of you were, and I can’t assume that the dynamic between your parents was similar to what I saw in my family. I know how much you miss your dad, and I miss him too. My dream was to have him as a mentor once I was old enough to dive professionally. I would have had an easier professional relationship with him than I have with my own dad.”

I remain silent, blinking as I wait for him to continue.

“Dad is really hard on me. Demanding. That’s why I act the way I do. I know a lot of people think I’m where I am just on the account of my legacy, but what they don’t get is the kind of pressure I’m under. Somehow, I think that if Patrick were still here, things would be different.”

I cross my arms over my chest, unimpressed with his apology. “So are you trying to say that you act like an asshole because of the pressure you’re under, and the reason why you’re under so much pressure is becausePapàisn’t here to take some of that burden off your shoulders?”

Darrius sighs, raking his fingers through his dark brown hair. “No. I’m trying to explain how things are for me, but I’m not looking for an excuse for my behavior. The shit I said to you was wrong, and I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me, Len. I understand that you were just trying to be supportive after the shitty day I had in the air, and I took my frustration out on you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

I look at him for a long moment, taking in how much Darrius has changed from the sweet, funny, slightly arrogant boy who had my heart and would protect me from anything.

I’m not sure I know this man. “Yeah, you shouldn’t have said that stuff to me, and you shouldn’t let the pressure get to you to the point of dictating your actions and the way you treat the people who love you. Saying that you’re sorry is a start, but it doesn’t mean much unless you’re prepared to do better. I understand that we’re just friends, and right now, D, I’m glad, because if you did to me what you did to Kiara, fucking someone else when you asked her to come to the event—”

His jaw ticks at my words, and his hands clench and unclench as he tenses up. “I know I fucked up. I apologized to Kiara too.”

I can’t help but snort. “Yeah, she told me. She made a big show of telling me how sorry you were and showing me that rose you got her.” My eyes go to the roses he got me. There must be four dozen flowers in that vase. “I guess you aren’t as sorry for what you did to her as you are to me.”

He takes a step toward me. “Len, it’s complicated.”

I laugh, but there’s no mirth in it. “I hate when people say that something is complicated. It’s usually code for ‘it’s bullshit’ when things are very easy. So you got Kiara a rose and you said you were sorry. Does this mean you aren’t going to fuck around on her anymore, or that you’re just going to be better at not getting caught?”

I know I’m spot on when his jaw ticks at being called out on his actions.

“When I say it’s complicated, I mean it, Len,” he bites out. “Just worry about my apology to you. I meant every word.”

I don’t let him distract me. “So you didn’t mean your apology to Kiara? Good to know that you have real and fake apologies. I’m going to make sure to spot the difference in the future.”

I see the irritation in his eyes. “Why the fuck does that matter when I’m telling you that I’m genuinely sorry for being an asshole to you? Kiara knows what’s up between us. I never said that she was the love of my life, Len. I’m not going to marry her or anything. She’s fun, and it’s a mutually beneficial relationship right now.”

I really can’t with this man. I thought I knew Darrius, but I was obviously fooling myself. “A mutually beneficial relationship?” I know I must look like a fish with my mouth gaping open. “You make it sound like a fucking business transaction.”

He shrugs and takes another step closer, placing his hand palm down on the kitchen table so close to mine that the tips of our pinkies almost touch. “Don’t look at me like I’m a monster, Lenley. I never told Kiara that I loved her, and believe me, she doesn’t love me. I just need someone fun who understands my lifestyle and can take care of my needs when I’m home so I don’t have to waste time looking for hookups when I’m not traveling. She didn’t know what to do after dropping out of school and knew I could help her get a job with the Angels and grow her social media presence. Every time I feature in one of her reels, she gains thousands of followers, and she decided she wants to be an influencer and monetize her profiles on as many sites as possible. I don’t mind helping her, and she’s a great fuck. That’s all there is to it. I’m just going to have to be more careful with my indiscretions.”