For some reason, it has been decided that the three CEOs will also be our drivers today rather than outsourcing the task.
I catch Darrius’s glare at the two booths. The Cove Devils are sitting in one of them, while his team members, Trent and Niko, have claimed the other one.
“Sarah, Len!” Niko beckons us. “Want to play a game of Bullshit to kill some time?”
I don’t even have the chance to answer that before Sarah drags me in their direction with a pleading look on her face. She’s been getting closer to Trent, but Darrius’s team member hasn’t officially asked her out yet.
“Sure.” I smile, heading their way.
I can’t miss this opportunity to be my best friend’s wing woman, and although Darrius is already pissing me off, I shouldn’t spend too much time with Peyton and the others. We’ve agreed that there’s no reason to change our deal, but we need to stay under Ken and Mom’s radar for the time being.
Despite their personal reasons for not wanting my friendship with the Cove Devils to turn into anything more, we all know that the reality of our deal would never gain their approval.
“Hey, Len.” Peyton stops me as I walk by their booth. “You dropped something.”
He leans down to get something from under the table and grabs my hand to give it to me.
“Oh, my... pen. Thank you, Peyton,” I say as he holds my hand way longer than necessary as his eyes travel from my face to the black sundress I’m wearing.
The corner of his lips quirks up in a half smile, and his eyes darken with a lot of promises I know he’s more than capable of keeping.
“Fucking bullshit, that’s what this ‘friendly rivalry’ is!” Darrius glares as he walks past us, checking me with his hip on his way to the master suite.
I jump when he slams the door behind him, and Peyton’s smile widens.
If Darrius doesn’t snap out of his bad mood, I’m pretty sure it’s going to end up having a negative impact on his performance tomorrow.
“Girls, can you please sit down? We’re about to go.” Ken’s request is issued in an annoyed tone that causes any thought of Darrius’s asshole attitude to fly right out of my mind.
We play several games of Bullshit, and while I have absolutely no poker face to speak of, Sarah and Trent are really good at it, and they battle it out for victory.
My best friend is totally flirting with Darrius’s team member, and by the looks of it, Trent likes her too.
I observe them, pleased that my idea of inviting Sarah to come with us is having the effect I hoped. I’m one hell of a wing woman when I make an effort, and Sarah deserves to get the guy she wants. Actually, any guy would be lucky to have Sarah as his girlfriend.
“Okay, I’m out.” Niko rises from his seat, his jaw tight as he moves past me to leave the booth. “We’re going to have a press conference and interviews with the media, and a meet and greet with Wild Horse pretty much as soon as we arrive. I think Darrius had the right idea. I’m going to get into a bunk bed and take a nap since we have another two hours to go.”
If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Niko was jealous of Trent and Sarah flirting, but he had his chance with Sarah last year, and he blew it by hooking up with Kiara behind Sarah’s back. Damn, the Devils get the bad reputation for their party lifestyle, but the Angels are definitely Angels in name only.
“Does anyone else want to join our game?” Trent asks, but no one answers. Mom and Ken have moved to the gaming area and are cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie.
The Cove Devils are all asleep. Channing has his head on his arms on the table, while Jameson and Peyton lean against the window on opposite sides of the booth they are occupying.
I decide to make myself scarce and let Sarah and Trent have some one-on-one time. “You know what? I think Niko has the right idea. I’ll be busy getting content for our website once the press conferences and promo events start tonight. I should rest while I have the chance.”
I walk away with a subtle wink in Sarah’s direction and pick a bunk on the opposite side of Niko’s. There are privacy curtains by each bunk, and I draw mine closed.
I’m asleep in seconds, curled up in the narrow bunk bed. I wish I could have napped next to the guys, but hopefully we can hang out later when we aren’t in such close quarters with Ken, Mom, and Kyle.
In the past, I’d feel guilty about sneaking around, but we’re all adults and we have a deal, so no one will end up with a broken heart. Well, maybe except for Darrius, but that’s part of my deal with the Devils. Other than that, what we do in private isn’t anyone’s business.
“PEYTON, PEYTON!” THEfeminine voice rises above the others as the Cove Devils walk onto the stage of the outdoor auditorium that hosts the press conferences and live interviews with the skydiving teams who are competing tomorrow for a spot in the nationals.