“Aww.” Channing smirks. “Do you mean that if I had my first time with you, you’d have been gentle and made sure I got mine before you got yours?”
I snicker. I swear to God, staying serious while looking at the smile on that dickhead’s face is fucking impossible.
“We have bigger problems than worrying about your fucking V-card, Chan,” I finally say, wiping the tears off the corners of my eyes.
Jameson is the first one to sense that my dark mood isn’t only caused by Penn and his big mouth. “What’s going on, Peyton?”
“I had an interesting conversation with my old man just before he left for his big wedding night,” I inform them. “He doesn’t trust us around Lenley. He’s afraid we’ll screw with her and that it will cause problems between him and his new wife.”
Jameson shakes his head. “Seriously? That’s fucking ridiculous. I’d understand if Lenley was sixteen, but she’s a grown woman. He can’t expect you to start treating her like a sister just because he married her mother.”
I couldn’t agree more, but I explain that my father sees the situation in a completely different light. “He laid down the law. He expects us to stay on the press’s good side, both when it comes to Penn and the Angels, and with all those wild parties we’re known for.”
Channing’s eye roll conveys the same exasperation I feel. “Yeah, yeah. He was more than clear after we lost the Wild Horse sponsorship. No more heartbreakers bullshit.”
I nod. “Yup. He was still a hard-ass about it all, dude. No groupies, no fights with Penn, and no funny business with Lenley.”
Jameson considers my words for a few moments, dangling his beer bottle from his fingers. “Did you tell him that you fucked her?”
“Are you insane?” I snap. “Of course I didn’t. I figured that as far as we’re concerned, we don’t need to change anything. Our deal with Lenley is fun and keeps us out of trouble, and it’s already screwing with Penn. We just need to make sure that we fly under the radar with him and Gina.”
My brothers murmur their agreement.
“Damn skippy.” Channing exhales, draining his beer and immediately starting to fidget with the label, peeling it off the bottle. “As long as being family on paper doesn’t change Lenley’s mind.”
Jameson’s brows furrow as he scoots closer to the edge of the couch to look at me. “Chan has a good point. Did you actually talk to Len, Pey?”
I sigh. “No. I was too pissed off about Dad’s demands, and I needed to calm down and talk to you guys.”
Channing rises from his seat. “Maybe we should all go see Lenley and talk with her, see if we’re all on the same page.”
“Ah, no way, José,” I bark, laughing at his eagerness. “Lenley and I planned a date before our parents dropped their bombshell, and I intend to keep it. I’ll talk to her.”
As expected, he groans at my request. “Aww, but that’s not fair. You already had time with her today. Our deal only works if we share without hogging her.”
He isn’t wrong. “I know. Just—look, give me tonight, please? I just want to talk to her and make sure she’s all right. Please?”
I can see from the look in his eyes that Channing isn’t pleased with my request. “But I’m the only one who barely even got to touch her,” he gripes. “You both got blow jobs and you fucked her while I—”
“You had to be a sneaky asshole and take her on a date without saying anythingandon a day when we were supposed to work,” Jameson reminds him. “So I don’t want to hear you whine about it, Chan.”
Stubbornness is something the three of us have in common, so I’m not surprised when Channing argues with Jameson’s assessment. “It wasn’t a date. I don’t fucking date! I bumped into her, and she was having a shitty day, so I cheered her up.”
Sometimes Channing is fucking priceless. “Ha!” I laugh. “You cheered her up with your hands up her skirt. Come on, dude. I promise we’ll all have plenty of time with Lenley. It’s going to be a long, busy season until worlds. Just give me tonight.”
Jameson is on my side, but he has his own demands. “You’ve got it, bro, and the way I see it, Chan, you aren’t the only one who is owed more time with Lenley. I might have gotten a blow job, but I haven’t had any real alone time with her. But like Peyton said, it’s going to be a long season, and our princess has a lot to learn if she wants to stick it to fucking Penn.”