Page 89 of Her Devils


The OG Heartbreaker




IDON’T KNOW HOW TOfeel about this merger.

I mean, fuck.

This is what Dad and Gina meant when they were talking about big changes in our future.

I hate the idea of being teammates with Penn, but at the same time, I got what the asshole took away from me years ago when he tampered with my gear. I’m diving for Patrick DeLaurent’s legendary team. I’m a fucking Cove Angel.

That means full use of the Angels’ state-of-the-art facilities and their exclusive wingsuits. Fuck, I could even work with their design team to bring my own projects to life. Having my own exclusive, cutting-edge wingsuit was just a pipe dream before, but with the Cove Angels’ wealth, connections, and sponsors, the sky is truly the limit.

Obviously every rose has its thorns, and in this case, there’s a gigantic thorn in my butt called Darrius Penn.

The furious look on his face fills me with satisfaction. He knows he’s earned his spot on the team and his position as captain thanks to nepotism and cheating. The team members he handpicked are good enough to ensure that the team places at nationals, but not good enough to outshine him or pose a threat to his leadership.

Well, Penn, things are about to change for you. I’m going to take away your team and your girl.

My eyes land on Lenley, and the soft smile on her face fills me with certainty about the feelings I’ve been trying to fight since we started with our deal.

Lenley has become way more than a fuck buddy, a friend, or a stepsister. I’ve never been in love before, and I don’t know if I can even be the man she wants by her side, but I have no other choice than to try.

The road ahead of us is paved with obstacles with our parents being married, her feelings for Penn, and the fact that Chan and J are falling for her too.

I don’t know what to do about my best friends, since I don’t want to hurt them, but what choice do I have? I’m in love with Lenley, and while I can probably honor our deal until after worlds, we’ll have to ask her to choose eventually.

I’d be devastated if I wasn’t the last man standing, but while I could probably live with losing her to Channing or Jameson, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she sees Penn’s true colors.

I’ll have to talk openly to the guys and hope that our bond can survive whatever happens after our deal is over.