Flying is freedom, power, and control. It walks a fine line between life and death, exactly like an orgasm often feels like toeing the line between pleasure and pain.
The rush of adrenaline, though, is so similar that my body reacts the same way to fucking and skydiving.
I’m rock-hard in my suit as I plummet toward the ground, making my body as aerodynamic as possible to increase my speed. We’re only scored on a three-second performance window.
It’s exactly like sex, and I’m in total control. I’m not allowed to wait too long to pull that lever. If I exceed the break off altitude of five thousand six hundred feet, then my jump will be considered void and I’ll have to re-jump.
It doesn’t help that my mind is full of her today.
That increases my physical reaction to the adrenaline rush of the jump.
She’s what my mind focuses on in those seconds that feel like hours, when my survival instinct fights what I know I have to do to win.
Use your body like a precision instrument to fly faster.
Don’t pull the lever yet.
I picture Lenley in my bed last night.
The softness of her lips when I kissed her, the sounds she made when I took her, owning her body the same way I’m making the sky my element.
The way she didn’t close her eyes but looked at me when she climaxed, forcing my tense body to snap and follow her over the edge.
Sweet, sexy Lenley.
Soft in my arms as I held her against me, not ready to withdraw from her, my cock still hard even though the orgasm was mind-blowing.
“Channing, what the fuck are you doing? You’re at break off altitude, and you were fast.”
Ken’s voice comes through the communication system in my helmet.
“Open that parachute. Now.”
I don’t bother answering him, my focus laser sharp.
My fingers pull on the lever, and I brace myself for the feeling of my body being jolted as the parachute deploys. The ground looks a lot closer than I thought, but I’ve got this, and I don’t think I was too late.
I close my eyes for a blissful moment, and again, this is so much like sex. This feels like last night, when I felt her warmth nestled against me, and a feeling of calm satisfaction blooms in my chest at the thought that I did well.
Until it’s time to land, but I’m not worried. There’s very little wind today, and I have this in the bag.
Take this, Cove Angels!
There’s no way any of our rivals will be able to top my performance today.
Ken is on me like a fury the second I shrug off my parachute.
“What the fuck was that, Chan?” He’s in my face. “You almost opened your parachute too late. What were you thinking up there? This isn’t HALO BASE jumping! You know that isn’t an official discipline, and you were fast, but you almost fucked it up by waiting until the last possible second to—”
“But I opened in time,” I interrupt him, “and it looks like I was the fastest in my group. I’m willing to bet I’ll be the fastest today. Again.”
My boss doesn’t let up. “Yeah, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you almost fucked it up. I want to know—”
I stop listening. Not because I don’t care, because Ken is right, and I shouldn’t have gotten distracted.
I finally spot Lenley by the Angels’ tour bus. What is Penn doing next to her? He should be boarding the aircraft for the next jump.