Winners And Losers
MAYBE I SHOULD HAVEtaken Lenley up on her offer to get me off earlier, I think as I pull up the zipper of my wingsuit.
I told her that tension is something I thrive on, but I’m so distracted by the memory of how green her eyes were and how soft her lips felt that I almost don’t hear Peyton and Channing enter the locker room.
“Hey, J.” My brother and team captain claps me on the shoulder, making me jump. “Ready to show everyone that we’re the team to beat?”
I nod. “You can bet your ass on it. The weather is perfect. I just saw the meet director, and we jump on the second flight for our speed skydiving. We’re going first in wingsuit acrobatics and wingsuit performance.”
Peyton looks satisfied. “Awesome. I’m eager to go before the Angels. Channing is going to watch our equipment while you and I do the acrobatics event, and Dad is going to be here watching our wingsuits during speed.”
I close my locker. “Good. That should put your mind at ease,” I say. I can’t blame Peyton for being paranoid after he lost the chance to try out for the Angels due to Penn damaging his wingsuit and helmet.
“I just wish Trent hadn’t jumped ship after last year. That puts us out of the formation skydiving events because we don’t have a fourth,” Peyton grinds out, clenching his fists as he mentions our former teammate.
“Yeah, recruiting a new Cove Devil hasn’t been easy. The only silver lining is that the Angels are out of those events also after their fourth quit too,” I offer.
As predicted, Peyton smiles. “Yeah, that’s the only thing that makes me feel better. I wish Dermot hadn’t decided to stick only to collegiate competitions. He hates Penn just as much as we do after he broke up with his sister, and we would have gotten along like a fucking house on fire.”
Channing barks out a laugh. “Yeah, I can’t fucking blame Dermot. He’s a decent guy and way more civilized than I am. If Penn had repeatedly cheated on Amanda the way he did on Lisa, then the asshole wouldn’t be jumping in a wingsuit, but in a fucking full body cast.”
I pull Channing close in a semi-headlock. “With the way you protect your baby sister, any guy will be too scared to even talk to her,” I tease him.
Channing playfully shoves me away. “Yeah, and can you blame me? God knows I’m not a saint, but if I had a girlfriend, I’d never cheat. I warned Amanda against guys like Penn.”
“You’re right,” Peyton agrees, “and by the looks of it, being dumped by his girl didn’t teach Penn anything. He hurt Lenley by choosing one of her best friends, but he’s treating Kiara exactly how he treated Lisa last year.” He opens one of his social media apps and shows us a video of Penn hooking up with some random chick at last night’s meet and greet.
“Holy shit,” I bite out. “Lenley has no idea how lucky she was that Penn didn’t see her as girlfriend material.”
Channing’s jaw ticks. “For fucking sure. She’s way better off with us.”