Page 14 of Her Devils

His large, slightly calloused hand comes up to cup my jaw, the tips of his fingers stroking the sensitive spot behind my ear. “I promised I’d be here, Snow. I always keep my promises.”

Something in his voice makes me fear that it’s the only reason why he’s here. “You look angry, Peyton.” I hate the insecurity that gives me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. What if I’m too boring for him? What if having sex with me was so bad that he doesn’t want to do it again and he’s here to tell me that?

I know I’m still new at all this sex stuff, but I’m hoping he and the others can change that.

His answer isn’t what I was expecting or fearing. “Well, fuck, it’s been one heck of a day. I’ve been trying to resist the urge to kick Penn’s ass since this morning, Len. The way he speaks to you and Gina—who the fuck does he think he is?”

I feel marginally better. “Yeah, lately Darrius has been such an asshole. I’m starting to wonder if it’s a new trait or if he’s always been like this and I’ve been blind until now.”

He barks out a laugh. “Yeah, I bet you know what answer I’m going to give you, right?” His tone softens. “You were just too sweet to notice, Snow. He’s always been a douche and a sore loser, and he can’t stand to see you getting closer to me and the guys. Plus, with this cooperation plan the mayor has been pushing and with how close our parents just got, he probably fears that he’ll have to start earning his spot as the Angels’ captain.”

I don’t know that Darrius’s spot is in any danger yet, but Peyton is right. If he doesn’t start treating Mom with respect, then nothing is impossible, especially if Darrius doesn’t perform at state level and at nationals.

“You’re right,” I say, fighting with the tingles that Peyton’s fingers are causing in places way more intimate than my ear. “But I’m glad you didn’t react to his shitty attitude. Let him step in it and then watch him squirm. Mom is pissed, and Kyle didn’t look amused by his behavior either. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll start watching his mouth.”

Peyton nods. “I think you’re right. Penn is a typical entitled bastard who only appreciates what he has when he loses it. It’s the same way with you, you know? He has taken you for granted for years, and he’s looking at you under a different light now because he’s afraid he’s going to lose you.”

He says those words with a dark, clipped tone.

“Stop thinking about Darrius,” I tell him. “Let him make his own bed and lie in it, Peyton.” I don’t tell him that lately, when I’m with him, Darrius has rarely entered my thoughts.

“You’re right. Fuck him.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and his tone is still laced with a furious edge.

“What’s wrong?” I finally ask him, because if he doesn’t feel like spending the night with me, then I’d rather he tell me now. “You look so angry. Is it still because of Darrius?”

He tenses up again, and I think that’s it, so I brace myself for him to make an excuse and walk away. Maybe he’ll tell me that he doesn’t feel that attracted to me after all.

“No, not just because of Penn,” he admits. “This thing with our parents... How do you feel about it, Snow?”

Ah, yeah. Peyton is right. This has been one heck of a day.

“I was really shocked when they told us. I can’t believe they have been seeing each other for months and they managed to keep it secret.” Then it hits me. “Is this why you look so nervous? Are you weirded out about our parents being married to each other, which makes you my stepbrother? Do you regret—”

“No!” he blurts out. “Do you? I mean, doyouregret it?”

I shake my head, leaning into his light touch. “No. I don’t regret it at all. What we did was so hot, and it felt so good.”

His next words are in total contrast with his usual cocky attitude. “Thank fuck! I liked it too, Lenley, so fucking much that I had to practically beg Jameson and Channing not to tag along right now. They were worried about you and wanted to make sure you were all right, but I wanted to talk to you alone. I wanted to know if you wanted out of our deal now that our parents are together.”

The way he says it makes it clear that ending our deal isn’t what he wants.

I could tell him how I feel, but actions speak louder than words, and I hope that the way I crush my lips onto his, biting his bottom lip, tells him that nothing has changed for me.

He kisses me back, his movements hot and hungry, and pulls me so close that my chest is smashed against his.

My arms surround his neck, and I whimper when he grabs my ass with both hands, squeezing and making me feel like he still wants me—at least judging by the rapidly hardening bulge in his jeans.

“Is this enough to convince you that I couldn’t give two shits that you’re my stepsister?” he asks between frantic kisses.

“Hmm, almost,” I say with a breathless smile.

“Even if our parents would disapprove of what we’re doing?”

Peyton’s question makes me pause. “What do you mean? Does your dad know about our deal?”

I almost don’t hear his answer, distracted by the depths of his dark blue eyes and the way his body is so close to mine, making me feel almost dizzy to the point where I lean against the wall that marks the perimeter of our property.

“Fuck no. If he knew, he’d have a stroke, but he warned me today. He told me that he’s happy we’re friends, but that if I even think about touching you—”