Page 116 of Her Devils

I know he means it by the way he’s looking at me, sincerity shining in his brown eyes. “You only want me because you saw that I moved on,” I bite out.


“Bullshit,” I retort, grinding my jaw with the effort.

“I love you, Lenley, I swear. You’re right that, at first, I was pissed that the Cove Devils always seemed to be by your side, and I felt like they had replaced me as a friend, but then—then I started to really see you. I’ve been a fool all these years. You’ve always loved me and have been there for me. You’ve always been so beautiful and sexy, but I was blind. It’s like I couldn’t see what has always been in front of my eyes. But now I do, and I love you. I want to make you happy, sweetheart. If you’ll let me, I’ll give you everything. Be my girlfriend, Len.”

My heart is beating so fast that I wouldn’t be surprised if it leapt out of my chest. Peyton was right. Darrius wants me now that he thinks he can’t have me.

“Everything?” I sneer. “Like with Kiara? I’d be your girlfriend whenever there isn’t a groupie you want to bang to—how did you explain it to me a few weeks ago?—take the edge off the stress of competing. Is that what you’re offering?”

He denies it, sounding more outraged than he has the right to be. “Fuck no. I’ve always known that Kiara wasn’t the one. With you, it’s different. You’re the love of my life, Lenley. With you, I’m all in. I told you before that I knew you had feelings for me, but I never wanted to go there because I knew I couldn’t take the risk of things not working out between us.”

I nod. “Yeah, I remember that, but you also said that I wasn’t sexy enough or experienced enough. You didn’t see me that way, and you just used me to make your girlfriend jealous.”

He takes a step forward, advancing until my back hits the brick wall of JeanLuc’s house. “I was an idiot, and I was selfish, but I promise I’ll make it up to you, Lenley. Give me a chance. Giveusa chance. I love you.”

I open my mouth to say something, I don’t even know what, buthe silences me by crushing my lips with his.

Before I even realize what’s happening, his tongue is in my mouth and his fingers are tangled in my hair.

“I think you should kiss him.”

Peyton’s words from a few weeks ago echo in my ears, and then what he said this morning.

“After you talk to him and you know your answer, come to my room at JeanLuc’s house tonight. There’s going to be a party downstairs, but I’d rather spend the night with you. If you come to my room, though, no more Penn. That part of our deal is over, and we’ll figure out our relationship. If you don’t come to my room, I’ll know that you made your choice and Penn is the one.”

I push Darrius away, my chest heaving, my body reacting in a confusing way to the kiss I’ve been waiting for my whole life. “Darrius, I—”

“You don’t love me?” he asks, his breathing as labored as mine. His forehead touches mine, and his fingers caress my neck, stroking my pulse point.

“I do love you,” I admit. “You’re my best friend, I’ve always loved you, and I always will.”

“But?” he asks, his tone dark.

“But Peyton, Channing, and Jameson are my friends too. They were there for me when no one else was. They picked up the pieces of what you broke.”

His hand cups my jaw, and his eyes bore into mine as he begs, “Please, tell me I’m not too late. Tell me I haven’t lost you forever, sweetheart. If you agree to be mine, I promise I’ll do everything to make you happy.”

I open my mouth to speak, again unsure about what I want to say.

“No,” he says softly. “Don’t give me an answer right now. I know you are confused. Go to the party, sweetheart, and think about what I’m offering you. Us together. Forever. I’m going to my room. Take a couple of hours to think about it, and if you want me, if you want us, come to my room and let’s make this thing between us official. You’re the one, Lenley. I hope I’m the one for you too, because if you come to my room, no more heartbreakers. They can be coworkers, and Cox can be your stepbrother, but you’re going to be my girlfriend, and one day, my wife. Think about it, sweetheart. See you in my room at midnight.”

He brushes a quick kiss on my lips and walks away, entering the house where the party is still in full swing.






IDID WHAT BOTH PEYTONand Darrius told me to do.

I went back to the party, and I thought about my feelings long and hard.