Hellfire points to a door on the other side. “That leads into the school and connects to the clubhouse and the garages on the other side. Good luck. I’ve got my own score to settle.”

“Let's go.”

Hopefully we're close enough to catch up, but I pull out my phone and call Snark, who was hanging back with some of the others to coordinate and observe. “Hey buddy, keep an eye out for escapees. We're fucking close.”

“Got it. Clear so far.”

Good. That means that they're still in the compound.

Grinder, we're coming for you. And if he's hurt a fucking hair on Mia's head, he's not gonna live out the day. Ideally, he won’t, either way.



With my handsstill tied and Grinder one twitch away from killing Mia even if he doesn’t mean to, I run with him. Mia is struggling and kicking her feet, but Grinder barely seems to notice, one arm locked around her tiny waist. I want to kick and scream too. But I try to stay calm for Mia.

“Mia, please. It’ll be all right, just stay calm, okay?”

“He killed Ms. Ginger!” Mia cries.

“I know, honey, but it's really important that you don't make Mr. Matt angry right now, okay?”

“Too fucking late for that,” growls Grinder. There's a panicked tinge to his voice I don't like, because if he panics, who knows what he might do? “She can scream her head off if she wants so long as we get the fuck outta this shitshow.”

Maybe if he’d just gotten out of prison and moved on with his life, without plotting to take out the Screaming Eagles and kidnap my daughter, he could've been sipping a beer on the beach right now, but I think that ship has sailed. By a long shot.The only question will be if Havoc and the others will catch up in time to rescue us, or avenge us instead.

We come out of the school into a one row garage. There isn’t even a front on it, just a long row of parking spots with a roof over the top. Grinder pushes me to keep going, and we duck in the side door of the church. The inside's been gutted out and rearranged, but the old murals show and above us the big vaulted ceilings are still there. At the far end, there’s the sanctuary with the altar, though there aren’t any crosses or statues left. It looks like where they might hold meetings. MCs call it Church, so it would feel extra fitting to do it here.

At first Grinder guides us down what would have been the center aisle towards the big double doors that lead out to the front, but when a couple of gunshots go off, it's obvious there's still fighting happening out there. “Fuck. This way, then. We'll hide up there.” He points the gun at a side door. “Open it. In there.”

It's the stairwell up to the organ and choir balcony. He chases us up and locks the door behind him.

Up here, we have a view of the whole church hall. The balcony looks largely untouched, with a few rows of pews on the far end of the organ and not much else. The organ looks like it’s seen better days, missing half the keys and several of the pipes are bent and broken.

Grinder crouches behind the railing wall with Mia and indicates for me to do the same thing. As long as he's armed, I don't have much choice. But you bet your ass I'm looking for a way to nudge him over that railing if he lets my daughter go.

We've barely taken cover when I hear voices.

“He's gotta be in here somewhere. Snark woulda said if he came outside.”


“Only so many places he can hide,” Sledge says.

“Grinder!” Phoenix shouts, his voice echoing so loud that I jump. I clench my jaw to keep from responding. If help is this close, it'd be horribly ironic if Grinder shot us now. The echo takes a bit to die down. “We know you're in here. There's nowhere to run. Give us the girl, and we'll let you live. Give us trouble, and you're not walking outta here alive.”

“It's Mr. mmmf!” Mia only gets a little out before Grinder slaps his hand over her mouth.

But the damage is done.

“Mia? Is that you?” Phoenix’s boots echo off the wooden floors as he walks deeper into the church. I'm dying to wave my arm to let him know where we are, but Grinder has Mia in one arm and his gun in the other. “I heard her, Grinder. You always were a pussy. Not gonna come down here and settle this like men? Only cowards hide behind children.”

Grinder grimaces, obviously not liking what Phoenix is saying, but not wanting to reveal himself either.

Mia, who doesn't understand the gravity of the situation, bites his hand.

“Ow! You little—” He catches herself too late and reflexively, he pushes her away. I grab her by the wrist and yank her to behind me so he can’t get at her again. Never again, if I’ve got anything to do with it.