
She runs, keeping low, while I scan with my gun out. We're clear, for now. A moment later, I follow, and then we're both behind Alpha's old junker. He’s been meaning to get rid of it for a while, but now I’m glad he hasn’t gotten around to it.

From here we have a better view. Fuck, Emily's house is missing part of the roof and it's burning. That's real bad, but nothing we can do anything about right now. What's worse, in front of the shelter, there’s a vehicle parked, kinda like a low slung SUV and armored to hell. That’s not one of ours. And while the shelter is a concrete and metal bunker, but that doesn't do much good when the fucking front door is blown open.


“Shel, keep your head cool, okay. We're gonna handle this.”

“She's my everything, Sledge.” Her voice is right on the edge of full on panic. Fuck, I don't blame her, but she has to keep it together.

“I know. I'm gonna fix this.” Or die trying.

A head pops up behind the armored vehicle, looking in our direction. The sun glints in metal.

Shit. “Down!” His gun and mine go off at the same time, but I'm the only one who hits. The guy's scream is cut short and then he falls out of sight. “Stay here.” Then I charge, leapfrogging from cover to cover as I get close.

Something's going on up there.

“And if any of you fuckers move, I'm gonna paint the wall with your blood. I don't wanna ice women and kids, but I'm not gonna back down.”

A high pitched voice screams, and it's awfully familiar.

“Mia!” sounds from behind me.

Yeah, I fucking thought so. “Stay back, Shel!”

Then I move.

Just as I come around the corner, I find two Sons guarding the door. One sees and fires. I throw myself back behind the corner, then return it, taking one of them down. He lets out a quiet grunt and drops to the ground. I know the second one’s waiting for me, though.

I yell to whoever’s gone inside, “Drop your fucking weapons. You'll never make it outta here alive. We're already cleaning you out up front.” At least I hope that's fucking true.

“You drop your damn gun, or the girl gets it. I'm not fucking around.” The voice is harsh, and tinged with adrenaline, cracking just a little.

Shit. “What kind of fucker takes a little girl hostage? I thought the Sons were men, not fucking cowards.”

“Call me whatever the fuck you want, but I've got a debt to repay, and I'm getting outta here. If you don't want the kid’s brains blown out all over the compound, you're gonna let me go.”

Something explodes, making even yelling impossible for a few moments. “You hurt a hair on that girl, and I'm gonna fucking string you up by your entrails.”

He laughs, a harsh, ugly sound. Under it I hear Mia whimpering. “Oh fuck you. You're not gonna risk hurting the girl, and you know it. First I’ll get her, then if she doesn’t end up dead, I’ll get her momma. It’s time she moved up in the world, not fucking down with you scum.”

Who is this fucker and why does he know who they are? What was that guy’s name? The neighbor? I just have to keep him talking to buy time for reinforcements. “Is this some sorta fucked up revenge scheme? Did she turn you down?”

“I'm done talking. Put your fucking gun down, or I'm murdering the girl, and then every other woman and child in the shelter. Your choice.”

“Don't shoot,” yells Shel. She's still in cover, but there's no way she's not hearing this. “Please.”

The guy comes into view, and he's got Mia in his arms with his gun right up against the side of her head. Yeah, it’s the fucker from the video. Mia’s whimpering, her face tearstained. “Mr. Sledge!”

“Mia!” Shel yells. “Matt? What is wrong with you? Let her go!”

A horn blares on the other side of the compound, three quick taps like a signal and Grinder starts backing up. “Sorry, Shelby. It looks like time's getting short. Now stay the fuck away fromme, or Mia gets it.” He moves towards the armored truck, keeping his gun steady on Mia's head.

“Mommy! Mr. Sledge!”

Fuck, I've never felt so powerless in my life.