I unholster my iron, ready for fucking action. The longer Mia's with them, the harder it’s getting to wait for the signal.
There's a discussion by the gate. An argument. Sounds like the door guard doesn't wanna let our allies in. That's a bad sign. Real fucking bad, even if it means that they might actually be telling the damn truth.
Angry voices carry. Havoc and I share a glance. He's got his piece out too. “Think it's gonna work?”
“Doesn't sound real good.”
“I don't like the idea of a frontal assault, either. Gives them too much time to fortify.”
Sledge snorts. “They can surround themselves with a fucking nuclear bunker for all I care. We're coming in, and we're taking Mia back out with us.”
“Wait. They're opening the gate,” Havoc hisses.
We all watch as the big iron doors are pulled open and Hellfire and his boys ride inside. I guess this is where we figure out if we put our money on the right horse.
They ride right up to the front of the fucking church they've got for a clubhouse. I kinda like it, not gonna lie. Not our style, but it's got flair, if you're into big, dark and gothic. Don't mean we won't take it down, stone for stone, if we have to.
As the Outlaw Sons dismount, a couple of the guys come strolling back towards the gate guards. I hold my breath, waiting for the guards to notice that something’s off, but maybe it never occurs to them that someone might double cross them the same way they double crossed the club.
We get our answer when we hear two loud pops, and both gate guards collapse where they stood.
Good, but I don’t fucking envy the job Hellfire and his side have in front of them. I can’t imagine having to do what they’re doing to some of the brothers they thought were their own. Even when this is over, there’s going to be a long, bloody road ahead of them.
King turns to face the rest of the club, everyone who came with us. “Gentlemen? The gates are open. We fucking ride.”
The sound of that many bikes firing up and revving as we pull out, is like a herd of lions roaring at once.
Hold on, Mia, we're fucking coming for ya.
“Mommy,when are Mr. Phoenix and his friends coming to get us?” Mia's next to me, sitting at an old school desk they must have dug out of storage. She's been doodling since I got here, pictures of bikes, the clubhouse and Mr. Bear.
I want to cry, because my hands are tied, literally. It's so hard, because she understands that we're in trouble, but not why, or how, and our chances of getting out of here.
Of course, I don't know a lot of those answers either.
Ginger watches me from nearby. She’s sitting on another of the little desks, looking about as thrilled to be here as I am. The attitude she’s giving me right now is closer to what I was used to back in the day. That glare that dared me to try and take her place. Like I want to be here. If anyone should be mad, it should be me, for the things she's done, but I’m sure she’s just following Grinder’s orders. It’s pretty clear she’d rather me and Mia be anywhere else.
“I don't know yet, honey. We just have to wait patiently. What are you drawing?”
“It’s the tree from the picnic, remember? See?—”
That's when the gunshots start.
“What the fuck?” Ginger asks, jumping to her feet.
It sounds nearby, but we can’t see a thing out of the gym windows that are nearly at ceiling height, designed to let in light but not for the view. There are collapsible bleachers along the walls, but there's too much junk in here to pull them out. “What's going on out there?”
Something explodes, just as Grinder returns to the gym. “We gotta move. They’re here.”
“Who?” Ginger asks.
“Who the fuck do you think? The Screaming Eagles,” he snarls. “I told Badger we should’ve hit them harder, but he was worried about their numbers. Fucking shortsighted coward. At least I got what I came for.”
I try to keep my face calm. I don’t want to draw their attention or to scare Mia. I knew they were on their way, but I was starting to worry. It was taking so long.