King nods. As VP, I’m sure he can see the bind Hellfire is in. It took a lot of balls to meet us here after what happened.
“Wiping you all off the face of the earth would make my life a hell of a lot easier in the long run,” Eagle-eye says slowly. “Gotta say, I’m tempted. You have more burst firepower than we do, but once that runs out, we have the numbers to finish the job.”
Hellfire looks less convinced about our chances, but he doesn’t argue with the assessment.
I step forward, looking at both Hellfire and Eagle-eye. “I don’t care if any of you live or die, but Grinder, another ex-Viper was part of the raid today and he stole our fucking daughter. She’s four years old and he’s already been stalking her and our old lady for several weeks. Give us the chance to rectify that situation.”
“You claiming them, then?” Eagle-eye asks curiously. No wonder. I called her my daughter,
This should have been something the four of us talked about ahead of time. Shelby hates my guts right now, and might not even forgive Sledge and Havoc, but these words carry weight in this world. It’s what I feel, even if in the end I’ll have to walk away from both the club and my brothers to give them a future.
“We are.” Havoc says with a nod, Sledge by his side.
“So be it. You heard the man,” Eagle-eye says to Hellfire. “Those bastards attacked us unprovoked and have what’s ours. Some of our intel was already leaning us in this direction, which is why I’m inclined to believe you, but if I even get a suspicion that you’ve lied about any of this or pose a threat to my people, whatwe did to the Vipers will look like charity in comparison. You got me?”
Hellfire nods. “Understood.” He turns to face his crew. “Everyone got that?”
There's a collection of affirmative grunts and nods.
King grins. “In that case, I think it's time we start figuring out a fucking plan.”
The minutethe guys are out of sight, I run for my car.
Yeah, I know they told me to stay behind, but I can't just sit around here and twiddle my thumbs while they're out looking for my little girl. If she’s still—no. Matt, Grinder, whatever his name is, took her for a reason. Even still, the thought of her with him and probably that horrible woman again is enough to make my skin crawl.
I feel bad lying to Alessa about needing some of my things from Havoc’s room, but I'm sure she'll understand. None of the Harem Brunch Club women seem like the types that would sit at home waiting to see how things go.
With everyone busy putting out fires and patching the damage to both members and the compound, no one even stops me as I slip out the gate. Most of them don't even know me yet, so they wouldn’t stop me even if they saw. I find my car in a lot behind the bar that was attacked, and surprisingly, it doesn't take much Googling to find out where the Outlaw Sons have their clubhouse.
Guess it’s a tough thing to keep secret. Like I can’t imagine anyone not noticing the Screaming Eagle’s compound. In an area where the cops are nearly as corrupt as the criminals, there’s no need for a hidden lair.
I pull on the highway and gun it, as much as my little car can handle. It's not a racecar, but it can do the speed limit plus ten, no problem. I catch up to the Eagles before I expect, blasting past them when I catch sight of two huge groups of bikes pulled over at a rest stop. If they spot me, I'm in trouble, but nobody is looking for my little gray Honda. For once I’m happy to have a car that blends in pretty much anywhere. I switch into the passing lane, eager to put as much distance between us as possible.
The drive is long enough to give me time to think, which I don’t like. What if the guys are right? What if being there is a distraction?
On the other hand… why am I even listening to them? I’m acting like I’ve already forgiven Havoc for withholding Phoenix’s past from me. And Phoenix for… everything.
I don’t remember Grinder and it bugs me. He must have joined after I left Dodger, so why does he care about us? I understand him being mad at the Eagles after how they took apart the Pit Vipers those years ago. I just don't see what Mia and I have to do with it.
If I can get to Grinder first, then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to get her out of the line of fire before things get really ugly.
The Outlaw Sons' compound isn't far off the highway, and when I've got it in front of me, there's no doubt that I've found it.
In the center of a rundown block is what’s left of what used to be Our Lady of Perpetual Mercy, a Catholic church with a grade school that closed down about thirty years ago. The Outlaw Sons bought the property and converted it into their base, just like the Screaming Eagles did with their warehouse.
It’s more impressive than I thought it would be, an old fashioned stone church complete with bell tower and stained glass windows, surrounded by a wall that’s been added to over the years. There’s the old school building behind the church, and there’s another house that’s probably where the priest used to live. Their compound isn’t as big as the Eagles’, but if I wasn’t so terrified, I’d almost think it was kind of cool.
Doesn't really matter. I'm not here to sightsee.
I pull right up to their front gate, getting a curious look from the guys on watch. They're a couple of burly guys, one of them with a thick beard, the other has hair cut into a short, greasy mohawk. He's got head tattoos that look like they hurt. A lot.
The second guy comes around to my window and knocks on it for me to roll it down.
“Not a great time to visit, honey.” He leers at the little bit of cleavage my shirt shows. “But if you're looking for a little company, I might be able to sneak you in.”