Page 97 of Just a Taste

He lets out a short, harsh bark of laughter. “You can’t be serious with this shit.”

I stand straighter. “Why not?”

“What do you mean why not? We can’t stay married!”

“Why not?”

He licks his lips while his whole body seems to vibrate with nerves.

“Because it’s too much.”

“And that’s bad because…?”

“Because I’m a mess!” he says.

“Everybody is. Believe me, that does not make you special.”

“Yeah, well, I’m also mean and bitter and sarcastic.” He glowers as if to prove his point.

“I’m not, so we’ll balance each other out.”

“I have trust issues.”

“Believe me, I’m aware.”

He grits his teeth. “And abandonment issues.”

I shrug. “We’ll work on them.”

“My fucking God! Try to take this at least a little bit seriously.” He’s full-on exasperated now.

I take a step toward him. He takes a step back.

I sigh. “I am taking this seriously.”

“I don’t like fish,” he says.

I roll my eyes. “Oh, well, that’s a definite deal breaker. Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

“I don’t think before I act,” he continues. “I lash out.”

“Are you somehow under the impression that I just met you? I know all of this.”

I take another step closer.

This time he stays put.

“I don’t think we should do it,” I say. “At least not yet.” Gears are turning in my brain. I can’t just tell him I want to try and have a real relationship with him. I mean, it’s essentially what we’ve been yelling at each other about, but if I outright say the word ‘relationship’ to him, he’ll probably freak out even more.

“Would probably look suspicious if we got divorced so soon after.”

He chews on his lower lip like his life depends on it, still glaring at me.

“Yeah, well it’s idiotic to get married at twenty-two,” he mutters. “We’ll just be living proof.”

“Maybe let’s ignore the whole marriage part right now. Has it really affected you in any discernible way at all since we did it?”

His jaw works while he chews on air. “I had to fill out a form a few months ago, and I checked the box that said single, so I had to ask for a new form.”