Page 4 of Just a Taste


I grab my shit, get up, and go to the counter.

“I got a call about a form missing my signature,” I say, aiming a smile at the woman behind the counter.

“Ryker James,” she says, beaming back. “Let me check…”

A few clicks on the laptop in front of her and one signature later, I’m free to go.

On my way out, I stop by the drinking fountain. A woman walks past me, opens the door of one of the offices and goes inside. The door stays ajar. Very, very slightly, but enough that faint voices carry out to the hallway.

I straighten up and wipe the back of my hand over my mouth, about to leave, but then I hear Lake’s voice, and curiosity gets the better of me. Well, curiosity and common sense. He looked worried before. When he hadn’t noticed me yet. Gnawing on his bottom lip, taking furtive glances around the room. If I want to know what the hell’s going on with him, I have to spy a bit. Let’s face it, he’ll never tell me himself.

“You’re telling me his assets count in my financial aid, even though I’m twenty-one years old, he’s been married to my mother for about two months total and is for all intents and purposes a complete stranger.”

“He’s your stepfather.”

“Uh… No? It’s not like the man adopted me. I’m twenty-fucking-one!”

“There’s no need for this language.”

There’s a beat of silence before the woman continues speaking. “Mr. Bates, you’re a very talented student, and it’d be a shame to see you leave us. I suggest talking to your parents. I’m sure they’ll see?—”

“Parent. I only have the one. And you obviously haven’t met my mother’s new husband,” Lake says. “I can guarantee you he has no interest in pissing on me if I happen to be on fire, so loaning me money is definitely not in the cards for us.”

Papers shuffle.

“There’s still time to find alternate solutions,” the woman says.

“I’ll get my shovel for that money tree I’m about to plant.”

“The attitude isn’t helping anybody, Mr. Bates.”

“I disagree. It’s helping me. Not a lot. But it’s helping.”

My frown grows deeper with every word exchanged behind that door. Sandra got remarried?

The door flies open and Lake storms out before I can move away.

He stops when he sees me and aims a scowl my way.

He looks like he’s ready to punch something. Right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up being my face, on account of it just conveniently being nearby.

But then he huffs out a breath, and his shoulders slump.

“Of course you’re here,” he mutters before he turns on his heel and stalks away from me.

I must be really vying for that punch, because I don’t know how else to explain going after him. He’s already walking down the street by the time I catch up to him.

“What was that about in there?” I ask.

He sends me an annoyed look. “Ever heard of privacy?”

“Vaguely. Are you okay?”

He stops and turns to face me. “You’re seriously just freely admitting to eavesdropping?”

I shrug in reply. He rolls his eyes and starts to walk again. I fall into step beside him.