Page 22 of The Crush

I throw a glance at the tablet screen and the video image of Ryan lounging in his bedroom. He’s been back home for two weeks now and I’m starting to miss him.

“Don’t be a pessimist,” I say distractedly. “My mom makes spicy shrimp all the time, she taught me when I was ten. I know this dish, it’s not like I’m trying a new recipe for the first time ever. Plus, I have this whole thing planned down to the minute. What could go wrong?”

“And now you’ve jinxed it,” Ryan says. “Just leave the camera on. I want to witness whatever’s about to happen. I could use the entertainment. And if things go well between you two, I could also use the porn. Either way, it’ll be a win.”

I point a spoon at him.

“I’m a good cook. Maybe not at a chef’s level, but I won’t poison him.”

“Yeah, but you also tend to screw things up at crucial moments, so…” He shrugs and leaves the sentence unfinished.

“Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

“You should be thankful. I’m here to keep an eye on you and prevent any looming disasters.”

I roll my eyes and put the pan on the burner. “How are things at home?” I ask.

Ryan is quiet for a little bit.

“I feel like I’m eighteen again,” he finally says.

“I’m guessing that’s not a good thing?”

“Hell no. Who in their right mind would ever want to be eighteen again? You can’t even buy booze.”

“True.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean my ass against the kitchen counter. “How’s your dad doing?”

“Stubborn as ever and waiting for me to screw something up.”

I wince. “Sounds delightful.”

“That’s my old man for you. Something’s about to go up in flames.”

I frown. “Like tension?”

He rolls his eyes. “On your side. Check your oil.”

I scramble to straighten myself.

“Oh shit! Shit! That got a bit out of hand.” I grab the cutting board with the dried chilies.

“I don’t think you should do that,” Ryan says.

“Too many cooks, Ryan,” I say sternly, dumping the chilies in just as the buzzer goes off in the hallway. “Shit!” I run out of the kitchen to the sound of Ryan calling my name like a forlorn lover.

“Hi!” Caleb says, and that perfect, smooth voice of his gives me all sorts of ideas.

“Hey! Let me buzz you up.” I press the button and check myself on the hallway mirror. Presentable. I’d even go so far as to say I look good. My nose twitches. Something smells funny, and it’s getting worse, but Caleb is almost here, so I’ll get back to the food in a second. When the knock on the door comes, I pull it open.

“You made it.” I smile and step aside to let Caleb in. The smell is getting worse. Fuck. I’m pretty sure those are my chilies.

“August!” Ryan’s voice is getting shouty by now.

Caleb sends me a funny look. “You have more people here?”

“No! No. It’s just Ryan.”

“August!” Ryan shouts again.