Page 8 of Royally Fated

“Good for him. Maybe it’ll loosen him up before his heart bursts in his own chest,” I said quickly. “But speaking of loosening up, the two of you really missed out by skipping Seraphina’s most recent soiree. I quite enjoyed myself. Certainly more than I usually do at most shindigs around here.”

“Shin… digs…” Amelia echoed like I’d just uttered the foulest curse in front of her before recovering, but her tongue was still tipped in poison. “I highly doubt that.”

I knew that my sister was used to being able to say such things, but I wouldn’t enable her. No, if my family was going to force me to be in the capital and play their games, then I was going to make them regret it.

“Why exactly is that, Amelia?”

Her gaze was much sharper than usual now. I’d committed a social faux pas, and I was reveling in it. The rule of passive aggressive social deconstruction was that no one was able to directly confront anything. The only things allowed were careful rejoinders, clever insults that read as outright compliments, and subtle shades about each other’s shortcomings. But I’d thrown all of that in the air and ripped off Amelia’s cover of civility, forcing her to say what she wanted in the light.

Given how much she snuck around on her husband, she wasn’t used to sitting in the glare.

“Well, it’s not like Seraphina is known for her social aptitude,” she said belatedly when I didn’t wither under her glare. “It’s wonderful that you’re branching out, sister, but since I was sure it’d be a small affair, I had other things to attend to. I’m sure you understand.”

My mother was silent, watching us intently with an unreadable expression. I didn’t know why I felt so emboldened—I hated verbally sparring with any noble—but I was quite protective of my little sister and fed up with how she was treated. She deserved so much more.

“Ah, yes. I understand it takes quite the effort to find a new subject to step out of your marriage with. I imagine after this long, the pickings have to be slim.”

Was it a low blow? Yes. Still, I hated her acting so high and mighty, so much better than Seraphina, when she couldn’t be a mother to her child, or a wife to her husband.

Amelia snarled, and I took satisfaction in how her canines had sharpened and grown. The truth had touched a nerve in her.

“Listen here, you uncultured b—”

“That’s quite enough,” my mother said sharply, her voice quiet but allowing no room for argument. “For once, I’d like if we could resist the urge to fight for at least a few minutes. Would that be too much to ask?”

I swallowed my tongue. I was ready to throw down, but Seraphina’s gentle hand against my arm and a slight shake of her head told me that she’d rather I didn’t. I’d back down for now, but my mother and sister were on thin ice.

The tension between us simmered, nonetheless, and my mother cleared her throat before letting out a strained chuckle.

“Look at us squabbling just like we used to when you were all pups. While I’d prefer it if we weren’t at each other’s throats, it does feel nostalgic, doesn’t it?”

I grunted, and Amelia let out a sigh before one of Mother’s staff stepped forward with a curtsey.

“Your Majesty, it is time for your relaxation regiment.”

“Goodness, already?” she said, laughing as she stood. I noticed that she hadn’t eaten a thing, and I hoped it was because she just wasn’t hungry, and not some complex about eating in front of her subjects. My father had ridiculous ideas about a woman’s body and what it should look like, so I was rather suspicious.

“But it was so lovely to see all of you again. Let’s do this another time, shall we?”

Before any of us could answer, she rounded the table to kiss the top of my head and then blew one to Amelia, who was still fuming. I could feel her turning to go, but I couldn’t fucking believe it. I cleared my throat, saying so much in just a sound.

Surprisingly, my mother actually paused. I watched as her gaze slid from me to Seraphina, who was dutifully staring down at her hands. The tension ramped right back up before my mother let out a small sigh.

“I hope you have a lovely day, Seraphina,” she said, reaching out as if she were going to pat the top of my sister’s intricate updo, then pulling her hand back at the last moment. “Stay safe.”

It was hardly more than a crumb, but the way my baby sister lit up was more than worth it.

“T-thank you, Your Majesty. The same to you.”

Our mother gave a little nod, and I tried not to feel glum that Seraphina didn’t feel comfortable using an official title. With that, the queen went off with her entourage in tow.

“I’ve been put off my appetite,” Amelia spat tersely before pushing away from the table, not even sparing us a glance. I was relieved, as I wasn’t exactly fond of her presence, either.

Finally, it was just me and my youngest sister, who had a dreamy, contented look on her face. At least she did until she looked at me, and that was when her gaze narrowed. “You don’t have to stir the pot for me, you know,” she said ruefully, but I could tell her reprimand was more playful than anything. Each syllable, though, was wrapped in its own little beat of melancholy.

“I’m used to it at this point.”

“You shouldn’t have to be, though.” I draped my arm across her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “And I want to make them realize it.”