Page 81 of Royally Fated

But my tone wasn’t quite terse enough because the eagle shifter just kept right on going. Because of course he did.

“Oh, no need for that! It’s a short message.”

Ayla and I exchanged a look. “Samir, I really—”

“I was able to make it to Fort Canid, and there I was able to establish contact with a powerful shifter who I believe goes by the name of Mad Dog.”

That definitely got both of our attention, and we straightened up and broke apart. I strode to the door, opening it with perhaps more force than was necessary. “You saw Mad Dog?” I asked, relief and shock flooding through me.

He was alive. If he were at Fort Canid, that meant he’d found a way to get out of the capital. Although I’d tried my hardest not to think about him too often when everything was out of my control, I still felt plenty of guilt that we’d been separated, and he’d been left behind.

“Indeed I did. He sends his regards, and also wanted you to know that he managed to meet up with the enchantress and her lovely wife. We didn’t have much time together, but he did say that should I return, he would try to give whatever updates he can. He will also specifically seek out the information you requested.”

I couldn’t believe it. Talk about the most incredible news we could have gotten. “That’s fantastic. When are you going out again?”

“He said the best window would be in a few days from now. I’d be happy to do that again. Anything in the service of our country.”

“Thank you, Samir,” I said, heartily shaking his hands. “You don’t know what this means to me.”

“I may have an idea, but I’m glad to be of service. Now, I thought I saw a shindig going on back in Blath, so I’m going to see what grub I can rustle up.”

“Please do,” Ayla said, coming up beside me. “Mad Dog is a particularly good friend of ours, and we weren’t sure he was safe. He’ll be an excellent contact to have at Canid. You’ve more than earned some good alcohol, good food, and great company.”

“I would like to say I’m inclined to agree with you. Have a good night.”

“You, too.”

We watched the shifter take into his bird form, then fly off into the air before I shut the door. Thrilled, I turned to Ayla as she flung herself into my arms.

“He’s alive!” she cried, and I could feel her joy reverberate through our bond. “He’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive!”

Although she’d never quite verbalized it, I knew Ayla had been more than worried about the older, rugged man. I hadn’t realized quite how close they’d grown until I’d stood behind her while she fought harder than anyone I’d ever seen to save his life, to the point where we had to sedate her.

“He is,” I crowed right along with her, picking her up and swinging her around. The heated, torrid moment between us was broken, but that was okay if it meant our good friend and ally was all right.

“Did you hear what Samir said about an enchantress and her wife? Who else could that be besides Yvonne and Euthalia?”

“I don’t know anyone else who would fit the bill so cleanly,” I said, all grins as I put my mate down. “We’ll have to produce a list of clarifying questions for Samir to ask when he next flies there. But for the moment, how about we get you some water and then wash the day off?”

Ayla shot me a half-lidded look, batting her lashes at me. “Why, Kai, are you trying to get me naked?”

“Always,” I answered before pinching her the same way she’d goosed me earlier. The surprised squeal that escaped her was more than gratifying, and then it was my turn to be chased around the house.

Things were looking up for us, that was for sure. I just hoped that our trajectory remained that way.

I wished I could sleep.

Ever since being on the island, sleep hadn’t been an issue for me except for when Ayla was injured. I stayed up for a day and a half before the witch managed to talk me into letting her heal and relax into a nap. I’d been reluctant, but I knew I couldn’t stay up forever, and that Ayla would need me once she was conscious herself.

But now, as I laid against my gently snoring mate, I couldn’t sleep at all. My mind was, once again, filled with far too many thoughts, and most of them felt incredibly heavy.

Things such as how much longer we should stay on the islands. Although I was incredibly grateful for the rest, the people of Camdaria were still suffering. The fort was still suffering. Everyone was suffering.

How ethical was it to vacation while the nation sorted itself out? Granted, we still didn’t have the whole support we’d been searching for yet. I’d heard news that the council were at least aware of my presence, but that was about it. As far as I knew, they hadn’t even agreed to a set meeting time, which was really what was holding us back.

Once the sun was up, I’d meet up with Aodin and see if the Arbiters could put any pressure on the council to speed things up. After all, every day that passed was another day of innocents dying, and with Vekas marching ever closer, I really wanted us to have my father dealt with before Vekas moved in to strike.

Because they would; it was inevitable. Especially with the Shrouded Shriek frantically searching everywhere for Ayla.