Page 14 of Royally Fated

“Whatever you want,” I growled before sliding a second finger in, curling them how I knew she liked, petting the wall just beyond where her own fingers could reach. There were certainly some upsides to having large hands, and I was happy to let Ayla enjoy one such benefit.

She nearly doubled over then, her thighs clamping down on either side of my head. As much as I loved wearing her legs as earmuffs, my shoulders were in the way. I would let her have her fun soon enough, but I wanted to concentrate on getting her right up to the edge before I had her tumbling over it. Then, and only then, would I let those thighs pinch me like a vise. The only thing allowing Ayla to tether herself to ground.

“Come on, my pretty witch,” I rumbled, pulling away just long enough to sink my teeth into another thigh once more. I didn’t break her skin—no need for that—but I let Ayla feel just how much she brought out my inner wolf. And by the ancestors, the breathless mewl that escaped her mouth was a lightning bolt right down my spine, electrifying every single cell in my body. I was consumed by my need for her, so I sealed my mouth around that swollen clit of hers and sucked while swiping my tongue across it.

Once more, Ayla’s body tensed so hard, it lifted her off the mattress, and I finally let her thighs surround my head as she surrounded me: hearing her, smelling her, tasting her. She filled every single one of my senses, and I nearly lost it at once.

I thought back to a time where I’d made her cum on my tongue three times before ever burying myself inside her, but I just didn’t have the patience. I let Ayla rut against my face, riding out her climax, and drinking in everything about her response. My blood thrummed in my veins, and I swore that by the time she flopped back onto the mattress, my inner wolf was about to burst out of my skin.

Teeth long and nails sharp, I crawled up her body, draping her trembling legs over my hips. I let a finger slide within. She was soaking from our combined efforts, and there was nothing hotter. I needed to be inside her.

I pulled myself free of my pants, lining myself up with her but not pushing in. Not yet. I took a moment to simply look at her, wet and relaxed, panting while she waited for me to fill her like only I could. She was art. No, a masterpiece, spread out, and oh so perfect.

The color across her cheeks was even brighter when she looked up at me, her eyes half-lidded and full of so much heat.

Oh, heat, that was a delicious idea. I knew as a military woman, Ayla took the same suppressants all female shifters did to avoid that part of their reproductive cycle. It wasn’t ideal, but they all had the choice to take quarterly leave, go off their suppressants, and let their bodies do what their bodies wanted to do. Naturally, most chose not to, as risking pregnancy wasn’t an appealing idea for many of them.

Then there was the thought of helping Ayla through her heat, to care for her and fuck her as much as she wanted, to fill her over and over again until it took.

I throbbed in my own hand, and I couldn’t wait a single second longer. I surged forward, pressing deeper and deeper until I was fully sheathed within her, completely surrounded by her wet, gripping heat.

“Fuck, Ayla,” I hissed, my body flooding with a pleasure I just didn’t have words for. It was something too powerful, too ephemeral for something as simple as a couple of syllables. It was all encompassing, consuming, and enrapturing in a way I never wanted to escape.

“Kai, Kai, Kai,” she chanted again, another prayer I’d squirrel away with all of the other ones. It wrapped around my ears, through my mind, and all the way down to my soul. We were mates through and through, meant for each other in every single way.

I did try to start slowly, I did, to savor every single second. But the push and pull between us made both of us lose the finer parts of our civility until I was fully pumping into Ayla, letting my muscles surge with all my strength while she raked her nails down my back.

“That’s it, beautiful,” I said, trying not to lose it at the way she was grinding against me. I could feel the pace increasing, letting me know she was beginning to rise over the crest and would soon be falling apart on my cock.

Oh, how I wanted that. I wanted that so badly. To feel her grip me as she fell apart. Because if I had my way, Ayla would only know pleasure and happiness for the rest of our lives. I wanted to shower her in orgasms, but more than that, I wanted to care for her during the rare instances when she was sick. I wanted to rub her feet when they were sore and her hands when they were fatigued. I wanted to listen to her when she was working on a new spell, and vent with her when she was frustrated.

I wanted it so much. I wanted all of it, all of her, and to give her all of me as well.

“Come for me, Ayla,” I panted into the side of her neck, licking over the mating gland I so wanted to bury my teeth in. But I also knew it wasn’t the right time for that. Until her curse was vanquished, it was irresponsible and selfish to ask Ayla to even consider fulfilling our bond.

But a man could dream.

“Come for me, come for me, Ayla.” I slipped my hand in between us, my fingers going for her clit. I knew she was oversensitive from earlier, just as much as I knew she liked being pushed over the edge and to be overwhelmed by sheer euphoria.

When she finally did come for me, it was glorious. A cry ripped from her throat when she arched off the bed, clinging to me so hard I knew I’d have had marks in the morning if I didn’t have such enhanced healing. She clamped down on me with all she had, her undiluted pleasure pouring through our bond in an explosive rush of everything mates shared.

Naturally, I followed after, free-falling over the precipice right into my orgasm. It hit me like a train, knocking the air out of me as I filled Ayla with everything I had.

Our breathing was harsh, filling the room as we slowly settled, yet I stayed inside Ayla, kissing her softly as we came down.

I was in love, so much in love, and I would do anything to protect it. To protect Ayla. The idea that we were up against the Shrouded Shriek was a daunting one, but I wouldn’t let that deter me.

Eventually, I did pull out, and we ended up tangled up in each other’s arms, our hearts beating against each other.

I couldn’t stay long, we were both well aware of that, but I could stay for now, and considering all we had mounted against us, I knew the moment we were in was all we were guaranteed.

“Thank you, Kai,” Ayla whispered, still quite breathless.

“There’s nothing to thank me for,” I said, pressing more kisses to her face. “But if you need convincing on that, we can do this all over again.”

Ayla let out a rare giggle, then rested her head against my chest. She didn’t quite audibly say, “I love you,” but I could hear the way she meant it loud and clear.

For the moment, that was all I needed.