Page 23 of Royally Fated

“I’m only just beginning to learn that the world is more complicated than I previously thought,” Seraphina said, as if picking her words carefully. “But I do think there’s just as much hope for the future as there is worry. It all depends on the choices we make.”


Yes, that was certainly the driving force in everything, wasn’t it? The Shrouded Shriek deciding to curse a baby. King Nathaniel outlawing any speech about the war in the capital. Me trying to break up with Kai just to give in every time. The prince choosing to stay steady with me despite all the ways I’d wronged him. Every single instance a chance to change the course of history or delve farther down the road we were on.

What I wouldn’t give to have the ability of foresight so I could tell if we were making the right picks. It would be cheating, certainly, but it would be worth it if I knew that everyone I loved would be safe.

“That’s a lovely way to view it,” Darla said, patting the princess’s cheek. I didn’t miss how Seraphina leaned into it. Poor girl, starved of so much affection and even simple touch. We could definitely help with that as long as we were around, but what happened when we left?

“In fact,” Darla started before her eyes snagged on something past us, her words trailing off into nothing.

“You all right there?” I said, nudging her with my elbow.

“Huh? Oh, yes, fine. Simply fine.”

It was then that I followed her line of sight to see none other than Oren. He was wearing an outfit quite similar to Mad Dog’s, but the shoulders had more gold cording, as did the cuff at the end of his sleeves. I also noticed a lighter blue strip along the fabric covering his right arm, which had to be a symbol of his position. Goodness, there really was a whole language to fashion, wasn’t there?

If I ever got to retire and just enjoy life, I could learn about that, too. It would be a casual hobby just for fun.

Goodness, a hobby? The idea was so foreign it was comical. Still, it would be nice…

“Ah, so you two are a thing, then?” Mad Dog said, noticing the lieutenant about the same time I did.

“Oh, they are very much a thing,” I said, trying not to chuckle. I was sure Mad Dog already knew that. He was just enjoying the chance to tease Darla .

“We are, and I am not subtle about it,” the psychic said before straightening. “I think I’m going to seize this opportunity to whisper the filthiest things in his ear while he has to maintain his composure. If you’ll excuse me.”

With that, she was gone, leaving a blushing Seraphina standing between Mad Dog and me.

“She’s kidding, right?”

“Considering it’s Darla,” I said with another chuckle. “Nope.”

“But she’s in a gala full of shifters. The chances of her being overheard…”

“Like the lass said,” Mad Dog cut in, “she’s not subtle about it.”

“Huh.” I liked that the princess’s tone wasn’t judging, only shocked and confused. “I see.”

“I think you’ll find us military types don’t have the refinement you’re used to,” Maddox continued. “And by the by, all these fine noble folks”—he was absolutely using fine as an insult—“and their perfumes are making my head spin. Can hardly smell all that fine fare they’ve got sitting out. Think I’m going to get some air so I can come back with a clean palette once it’s actually time to eat.” He looked at me with a serious expression. “The two of you all right on your own?”

It was sweet of him to check in with me. Crowds were most certainly not my thing, but I just nodded. “We’ll be fine.”

He gave a jaunty little salute as he started to leave. “All right then. Don’t cause a war while I’m gone.”

To my surprise, it was Seraphina who cheekily replied, “If we did, no one would be allowed to talk about it.”

Mad Dog and I both let out a surprised laugh at that before he swept off, leaving the princess and me alone. I was so happy to see her growing in her confidence, and I was about to say so when that same announcer’s voice boomed out.

“Introducing Lady Felicity Rathson of the Rathson line!”

I knew that name. My head snapped in the direction of the landing dais all on its own. Sure enough, the oversized doors were opened, revealing a woman who was everything I was not.

While I was petite, often bordering on scrawny, Felicity was a tall, voluptuous woman with enough curves to look like a pin-up. While my hair was white, my eyes were blue, and my coloring all pretty pale, Felicity had deep, black hair that tumbled from her head in gorgeous curls. I couldn’t help noticing that one of her eyes was a piercing green while the other was a honeyed brown. I knew some people found heterochromia strange, but I’d always been enchanted by the natural mutation.

My healer’s mind took over, pondering on if she also had mismatched eyes in her wolf form, and if she had other underlying mutations.

But while my healer’s mind was fascinated, something ugly and twisted grew in my gut, because Felicity was beautiful in a way I never imagined. How could I compete with that?