Page 54 of Before You

It was what made me perfect for my job.

What surprised me tonight was that I had fallen asleep. I hadn’t thought that would happen while Billie was here. I never brought women to my home. But when we had finally gotten in my bed, after a long dinner and more wine by the fireplace and sex on the floor in front of it, I had been so tired.

Billie Paige made me sleep.

A concept that was about as fucked as having her here.

Except she wasn’t exactly here—at least, not in my bed. I knew that the minute I was awake without having to reach across the mattress. Her absence was one of the reasons I had woken in the first place.

I sat up a few inches and adjusted the pillow, seeing the door to the bathroom was open and the light was off. She wasn’t in here, so I reached for the tablet on the nightstand. I immediately spotted her on the feed. She had put on the button-down I’d been wearing earlier and was walking down the hallway, away from my bedroom. Her feet were bare, her long, dark hair bouncing over the back of the light-blue shirt.

When she reached the first doorway, she paused. It was my home office, and she flipped on the light. She didn’t move from the entryway; she just leaned her shoulder into the frame and looked inside. There was a diploma on the wall along with several achievements and framed articles on Morgan Security. In the center was a desk with multiple drawers, holding papers I couldn’t let her read.

After a few seconds, still frozen in the same spot, she turned off the light and kept moving down the hall.

The desk was locked. I wasn’t an amateur. But the fact that she hadn’t even gone inside my office became one of the sexiest things about her.

As she went to the kitchen, I slid out of bed and put on a pair of boxer briefs, following the sound of her. When I arrived, she was standing in front of the open fridge, weight shifting between both feet.

“Let me help,” I said as I got closer, knowing she still hadn’t heard me. She didn’t have a chance to turn around before I had an arm wrapped around her navel, my face into her neck. “Mmm, you smell good.”

The buttercream was so strong on her collarbone, and that was what I was craving. I quickly turned her around, my hands going to her ass, and I lifted her onto the island. Leaving her there for just a second, I grabbed the dessert and brought it over to her. I cut the string that held it together and lifted the flaps of the box.

Cookies. Several different kinds, and I knew what would go perfect with them.

“Excellent choice,” I told her as I found a spoon and some vanilla ice cream.

“That’s rainbow chip.” She was staring at the one in my hand.

With the pint open, I scooped some onto the middle of the cookie and held it out to her. Instead of taking it from my hand, she ducked down and surrounded the edge with her lips.

She had no makeup on. It had all washed off in the shower when I carried her there after we had sex by the fire. Her hair had dried messy.

She had never looked more gorgeous.

While she chewed, I got closer, brushing my mouth across hers, and then I licked the spot where we had touched. A hint of vanilla teased my tongue.

I took out a cookie that looked like a mix of Oreo and chocolate chip, added ice cream, and extended it in the same direction as before.

Her mouth opened again, and with her eyes not leaving mine, she took a bite.

It was so fucking good to see her eat without hesitation. To chew and swallow without looking like she was forcing it down.

“Billie …” I growled as her gaze deepened, setting the cookie down.

My hands returned to her ass, and I pulled her to the very edge where she was straddling the counter. I stood directly in front of her, and I unbuttoned the four buttons keeping her shirt closed, watching it fall open.

“So fucking beautiful.” I cupped her tits, thumbs grazing her hardened nipples. “Do you want me to kiss you, Billie?”

Her reaction was slow but clear.


Earlier tonight, I had been selfish. I didn’t kiss all the spots on her body that she needed. And even though she had come several times, I hadn’t taken it slow.

Now, I would.

Her hand lifted from the counter, landing on her navel, lowering until it stopped between her legs. “Here.”