I broke away. "You know, I believe I was promised cheering up. I'm certainly feeling a little better, but I wouldn't describe myself as cheerful yet."

His expression turned sly. "Is that so? Well then, I still have work to do." Wrapping his hands around my thighs he lifted me on top of him.

As his lips began to trace their way down my shoulder, I threw back my head, closed my eyes, and gave myself over to him. My body bowed and shuddered as he teased the spark inside me into a raging fire, one exquisite kiss at a time. His fingers wound towards to my buttons and began to work their way down, unwrapping me with torturous slowness.

The intimacy of the position filled me with warmth and security. The trust I had in moments like those made me feel so safe, so protected. In his hands, I could simply lose myself in the moment, utterly confident that whatever we were doing, he'd take care of me.

Slipping my blouse to one side and snapping my bra free with one deft flick of his wrist, he freed my breasts. He leaned backwards momentarily, gazing at my body with a heat so intense I was surprise I didn't burst into flames. "Has anyone ever told you how fucking perfect you are?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Not in those exact words."

"Then all the men you've ever met are idiots."

He resumed his maddening exploration. My nipples were hard peaks, begging for his mouth, and he obliged, grazing them softly with his tongue in a way that made my whole body contort. I curled my fingers through his hair, savouring the silky texture of it as he roved across my chest.

"Stand up, Sophia," he said.

I did as I was told. His eyes heavy with purpose, he reached around and unfastened the zipper of my skirt. With slow reverence he pulled it down, his breath stalling as my legs slowly came into view. Nobody had ever made me feel that way before; so utterly worshipped.

My panties came down next, and his pants followed, and then I was straddling him once more. I could feel the rigid heat of him radiating between my legs even before he entered me. His eyes widened as he gradually pushed his way past my folds, my body welcoming that sweet invasion with trembling hunger.

Reaching out, he wrapped one hand around my waist and the other around my shoulder, and began to guide me up and down. His grip was firm, but his motions remained slow and measured. I had no idea how a man could be so strong, so powerful, and yet so tender. I knew the animal was still locked away inside him somewhere, but this was exactly what I wanted right now, to make love, not to fuck, and so that's what he gave me.

I'd never been on top with him before. I liked the sensation of riding him, the way I could subtly shift my hips to change the angle of our motion. But even with me in such a position of strength, he was definitely still running the show. With firm pressure, he rocked my body against his, sheathing himself completely and grinding my clit against his pubic bone with a rhythm that set my whole body cresting.

"Oh Christ, don't stop," I moaned.

He reached up with one hand to caress my breasts, while leaning in and planting a string of hungry kisses along my collar bone. "I won't. I've got you, Sophia."

As I pressed my face into his hair, the scent of him washed over me, that perfect masculine potency. Nothing else had ever smelled that good.

"Are you going to come for me?" he asked, his voice full of warmth.

"Yes," I breathed, the pressure inside me swelling and rippling, following his command. Maintaining the same tantalising pace, he guided me over the edge, pulling me in close and sealing his mouth over mine as my release took hold. It wasn't the most powerful orgasm he'd given me, but it was the most affectionate, which at that moment made it utterly perfect.

He came wordlessly about twenty seconds later, his body quivering beneath me. The whole time, he never broke that kiss.

"Well, consider me cheerful," I said, as we lay there afterwards.

He pulled me close. "I aim to please."

There was a wonderful sense of protection being encased between those arms. My troubles were still lurking in the back of my head somewhere, but I'd turned down the volume as best I could. I'd come to Sebastian to make me feel better, and he'd done an amazing job. Now I just wanted to enjoy that sensation for as long as possible.


The following morning I woke to an empty bed, but it was not my own. It was the first time Sebastian and I had spent a full night together. Joe had always driven me home in the past. I didn't know if my staying over was intentional or not, but I chose to believe it was.

When I finally managed to drag myself from Sebastian's impossibly soft sheets, I found a folded white robe waiting for me on the dresser. It was accompanied by a note.

Your clothes were positively filthy, so I had them put in the wash. Your underwear too. They're drying at the moment, so you'll have to make do with something else for now.

I held it up in front of the mirror. Sheer and short, with a hem that barely covered the middle of my thighs, it hardly deserved the name 'robe' at all. I had no idea where he'd gotten it from.

My clothes may have had a day's wear, but "positively filthy" was definitely a stretch. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that this was another of his little games. And as much as I enjoyed playing them, I felt a sudden desire to turn the tables on him.

A few minutes of exploring his extensive wardrobe turned up an over-sized tie-dyed tee shirt that fell all the way to my knees. It wasn't the sort of thing I could ever see Sebastian wearing, but it suited my needs just fine.

I found him in the kitchen. "Morning," I said nonchalantly, as I strolled in.

"Good morning." He did a double take. "Where on earth did you find that?"

I shrugged. "In your cupboard somewhere."

"Was the robe not to your tastes?"

"Oh it was fine. I just figured if you were going to hold my clothes hostage I'd do the same to you."

He laughed loudly. "Fair enough. Although I have to say, if commandeering your clothes causes you to dress like this every day, I'm not sure I'll be giving them back any time soon. Are you naked under there?"

I grazed my teeth over my bottom lip and tried to look innocent. "Maybe."

He made an appreciative noise. "Well I have to say, you look fucking sexy wearing my clothes."

"So it is yours?" I asked, grinning widely.

He sighed. "Regrettably, yes. Let's just say I was going through a phase."

I laughed. It was impossible to picture Sebastian looking anything other than perfectly dapper — even now, naked, save for a pair of loose fitting slacks, he looked stunning — but it was nice to know he was human too.