It had to be a coincidence. He and Sebastian were worlds apart. Different countries, different careers, different generations. Perhaps it was just a more common symbol than I realised.

I knew the smart thing to do was just forget about it. I'd caused enough trouble already by letting my paranoia get the better of me. What was I going to do? Wander up to Sebastian and say, "Excuse me, but do you happen know this random dead guy from the other side of the world?" It sounded absurd.

But as I flicked the television to another station and tried to focus on My Kitchen Rules, my mind continued to wander. Something about that ornate little symbol bothered me. I just couldn't put my finger on it.


A few nights later I was once again out having drinks with the girls. My week had gone steadily downhill since Sebastian's call, and when Lou had suggested we hit the town, I'd jumped at the opportunity.

"Nothing says 'Friday Night' like a tray of Mojitos," I said, setting our drinks on the table.

"Hear hear," replied Ruth, raising her glass. She took a long sip and sighed appreciatively.

"So now that it's had a few weeks to sink in, how's it feel to be the future Mrs Steven Page, Lou?" I asked.

"No complaints. To be honest it's pretty much the same, but it makes Steve more comfortable. We want to start trying for kids soon, and his parents just wouldn't be able to stomach it if we didn't tie the knot first."

"Bah, kids, weddings, I don't like all this growing up," said Ruth. "Pretty soon I'll be sculling cheap vodka alone in Jackson's on a Friday night, while you two host dinner parties and play charades, or whatever the fuck it is responsible people do in their downtime. It's selfish, is what it is."

"Hey don't lump me in with that crowd," I said. "There are no nappies or white dresses in my future."

Lou grinned at me. "That's not what I hear. I hear you might have a mystery gentleman of your own, now."

I shot Ruth a look.

"Hey, she dragged it out of me!"

I glared at her for a few seconds, but eventually broke into a laugh. I'm not sure what else I expected. Once you told Ruth something it was as good as front page news.

"It's not like that. It's strictly a casual thing," I told Lou.

"So? These things always start out casual. That's what the first few dates are. Doesn't mean it can't go somewhere eventually."

"With this guy, I think it does. He's not exactly the settling down type. I struggle to picture any woman keeping hold of him for very long. Besides, he's made his intentions perfectly clear, and I'm fine with that."

At that moment, my phone started buzzing in my bag with Sebastian's name flashing across the screen. "Speak of the devil," I said.

"He's back in town?" Ruth asked.

I shrugged. "Let's find out." I answered the call. "Hey."

"Sophia." The word sounded impossibly sweet off his tongue. He claimed he'd trained girls to come with a simple command, and the longer I knew him, the more I believed that might be true.

"Back in sunny Sydney?" I asked.

"Yes, I arrived this afternoon."

"Good flight?"

He laughed. "Flights are never good. Let's go with the word tolerable."

"Fair enough."

"I'd like to see you, Sophia. Tonight, if possible."

"Aww, did you miss me?"

"You don't know the half of it. I couldn't get the image of you playing with yourself out of my mind. I haven't been able to concentrate for days. I intend to make you do that again and this time I'm going to lick your pussy clean myself."

I blushed. There was something so hot about discussing such intimate things with my friends just a few feet away.

"I think I can arrange that," I said coyly.

"Excellent. There's a little company gathering I need to go to now. Nothing like the other week, a small group, but there are some people there I have to talk to. Why don't you come with me? We can have a drink, and after we can see about that show."

"I'm out with the girls at the moment," I said, although both of them were waving me on. "Also, I'm not dressed for a fancy party."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care what you're wearing? You look gorgeous no matter what. Besides, if I have my way, you won't be wearing much of anything for very long. Will your friends mind if I steal you away?"

I glanced at their eager faces. "I think they'll cope," I said.

"Wonderful. Where are you?"

"Zeta bar, in the Hilton Hotel."

"I know it. I'll be there in half an hour."

"See you then."

Ruth snorted as I stashed my phone back in my purse. "Yeah, casual indeed."

"What?" I replied.

"Look at you, you can't wipe the dopey smile off your face."

"I can too!" I said, making a conscious effort to twist my mouth into a scowl. It was surprisingly difficult.

"Lou?" Ruth said, turning to the other woman.

She grinned at me. "If you'd been any more gooey-eyed, Soph, you'd have been melting onto the table."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Sure, I was excited to see Sebastian, but that was purely my raging libido talking. "You can shut up, both of you. It's just fun because it's new, you know? That's all."

"If you say so," said Lou, although her expression said she didn't buy it.

"Anyway, he'll be here soon, so I'd appreciate if you two could do your best not to embarrass me."

I was secretly looking forward to them meeting Sebastian. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wanted to show him off a little. I'd been with attractive guys in the past, but none had nearly the same visceral impact that he did. His sheer presence and overt sexuality were a sight to behold. I couldn't wait to see the effect he'd have on the girls.

He didn't disappoint. A little while later, I spotted him sauntering through the crowd.

"So somehow she thinks it's my responsibility because..." Lou was saying to Ruth, however she trailed off as Sebastian appeared behind me.

"Sophia," he said, laying a hand gently on my shoulder.

"Right on time," I replied. "Sebastian, these are my friends, Ruth and Louisa."

"A pleasure to meet you," he said, shaking each of their hands. They returned the gesture dumbly, their mouths hanging slightly open like they'd forgotten how to speak. It was incredibly satisfying seeing them stilled like that, although I couldn't say that I blamed them. He looked good enough to eat. Somehow he'd managed to maintain that perfect level of rough stubble he'd worn the first night we met. That, combined with his wild black curls and roguish smile, gave him an exotic, devil may care look that practically screamed, "mind blowing orgasms!" I didn't think there was a woman in the room who would be immune to that.