"Okay, sure." A few moments passed. "And Sebastian. Thanks."

He answered by pulling me closer and kissing my hair softly.

I'm not sure how long we sat there. We stayed until long after the last ferry had pulled away from the dock. To tell you the truth, I would have been perfectly content to spend the whole night there, cradled in his arms, his fingers gently stroking my cheek. I'd never felt happier in my entire life.


Sebastian stayed the night at my place, and the next morning we went out for breakfast. It was a little unprofessional to be late to the office again, especially after ducking out early yesterday, but the truth was that I didn't care. Last night had shown me how perfect our relationship could be, and all I wanted to do was keep feeling that same euphoria for as long as possible.

"What's your schedule like for the next few days?" I asked him, as we were finishing up our coffees.

He grimaced. "Busy, unfortunately. I suspect I'll be eating all my meals at my desk for the foreseeable future. You may have to entertain yourself for a few days."

I felt a pang of disappointment, but I brushed it aside. "Fair enough. We're getting pretty stuck into the Wrights case now anyway, so I won't exactly be bored." I picked up my coffee spoon and drew it in and out of my mouth slowly, dragging my tongue along the underside. "Of course, I may require entertaining once more before you disappear."

He grinned. "You know, it just so happens that I have a block of free time that has just opened up right... now."

Suffice it to say that I was even later to work than I initially planned.

In truth, I wasn't as upset about Sebastian's busyness as I should have been, because he'd given me an idea. His surprises were becoming a regular fixture in our relationship, and I wanted to even the score a little. So I decided that if he was too busy to go out, I'd bring myself to him.

When lunch time rolled around the next day, I picked up a couple of sandwiches from a nearby deli and headed for his building. A little subtle questioning over breakfast had told me that while he did have that office stashed behind the bar, that was only used during functions. He actually spent most of his time at the main Fraiser Capital building, which turned out to be only a ten minute walk from mine.

The building was as impressive as I'd been expecting. A sparkling cylinder of dark glass that shot up into the sky like a raised fist. It was somewhat intimidating being at Sebastian's office. There was nothing overtly strange about it, but the secrecy with which his company approached their work made me feel a little like a soldier venturing behind enemy lines.

I marched up to the front desk, trying my best to look like I belonged.

"Can I help you?" asked the receptionist, smiling a little too widely. She was a pretty young girl, albeit in an overly made up, magazine cover sort of way.

"Yes, I'm here to see Sebastian Lock."

She glanced at the screen in front of her. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Not really. I was hoping to surprise him." I held up the paper bag containing our lunch.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but nobody goes upstairs without an appointment. Company policy."

"I appreciate that, but it's not like I'm a stranger. I'm his girlfriend." It felt a little funny to say that out loud. We'd never used terms like that before. But still, it was true, wasn't it?

The woman behind the counter smiled in that slightly patronising way that people usually reserve for small children. "I'm sorry, but I can't make exceptions. I can call him if you like, maybe get him to come down?"

I exhaled sharply. I had hoped to surprise him in his actual office, but if this was my only option I guess I had no choice. "Okay sure. Thanks."

She tapped a few buttons on the phone and sat patiently, but nothing happened.

"I'm sorry, but he doesn't seem to be in. I could take a message for you if you like."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Perhaps it was a stupid plan. He was a busy man. I should have just organised to see him over the phone like a normal person.

"Sophia?" said a voice behind me.

I turned and came face to face with Sebastian's friend Thomas.

"It is you. I thought so," he said. He managed a small smile, although he didn't look quite as pleased to see me as he had the other night. Apparently Sebastian wasn't the only one under a lot of stress.

I nodded. "Hi, Thomas."

"You here to see Sebastian?"

I felt a glimmer of hope. "Well I was hoping to, but they won't let me up."

He winced. "Yeah, we're not really meant to have guests upstairs. It's a bit draconian I know, but it's the rules."

"But if I went up with you, it'd be okay, right?" I said, flashing him a smile.

He chewed on his lip. "Technically you have to be a client..."

"Please! I was really hoping to surprise him. I only need a few minutes."

I thought my feminine charms had done the trick, but eventually he shook his head "Sorry. If anyone found out I'd be in a crazy amount of trouble. Hell, Sebastian himself would chew me out. But since you came all the way here, I can go and find him for you if you like. He's in a meeting, but shouldn't be much longer."

I deflated a little, although I don't know why I was surprised. Sebastian had described Thomas as "a company man through and through." Expecting him to break the rules was probably unrealistic.

Still, his offer was better than nothing. "Okay, sure, that'd be great."

He gestured for me to follow. As we walked towards the lift, he glanced down at the bag I held. "A hand delivered lunch? Sebastian's a lucky man."

"It's more out of necessity than romance I fear. We're both so busy we barely get to see one another. I figured fifteen minutes over a sandwich is better than nothing."

"For sure." He was silent for a few seconds. "So things must be going pretty well between you two then."

My strong, independent side hated the goofy smile that bloomed on my face. Fuck, Sophia, you're practically swooning. But try as I might, I couldn't get rid of it. "Yeah, I think so."

"That's good. That's good." But something in his tone said he didn't necessarily believe that. I didn't know what to make of it. Did he still worry about Sebastian's ability to commit? I had to admit, I still had the occasional doubts, but our night at Mi Casa had gone a long way to settling those.

After a few more seconds, the lift arrived. "We'll probably be a few minutes," he said, stepping inside. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable." He pointed to a long sofa that rested against the far wall.