"You should bring her along more often, Sebastian," said Jav. "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a show as much as that."

Sebastian grinned. "I told you you could handle it," he said to me.

"Oh I knew I could too, I just didn't want to embarrass your friends here."

He laughed. "That's very gracious of you."

I smiled. "After that hand though, I think it's time to call it a night. Not sure my heart can take much more." I started gathering up the chips. "Still, over a thousand bucks profit for a couple of hours work. Not a bad night."

"It was a little more than that."

I paused and did a quick count in my head. "Well, I guess it might be closer to one point five, if you add up all the change."

He stared at me for several seconds. "Sophia, that hand you just won was worth a little over two point two million dollars."

I did a double take. "Excuse me?"

"You didn't know?"

Something hot surged through me. "Know? How could I know?" I said, my voice getting progressively louder. "You said you were buying in for five hundred."

"Yes, five hundred thousand."

I looked down at the stack of chips once more, my eyes wide. There was more money in front of me than both my parents had made in their entire lives. I was no stranger to extravagance — the partners at work were notorious for their heinous disregard for money — but this took it to a whole new level. It seemed almost impossible to comprehend. "Holy shit. How the hell could you let me play with that kind of money? I could have lost it all!"

"But you didn't."

I shook my head slowly. "I know but still...fuck."

"Relax. You showed me you knew how to play. I had faith things would work out. And if they didn't, then c'est la vie. It's only money."

Several of the other players were watching this exchange with amusement. "He's lost more than that in a night before, Sophia," said Trey, who seemed to have recovered from his own loss. "And I dare say I'd take you over him if it were my money," he said with a wink.

Sebastian tried to look offended, but he couldn't quite hide his smile. He really did seem completely at ease with the situation. Perhaps he really would have been okay if I'd lost.

"Still," I said to him, "the next time you put me in charge of a million dollars, do me a favour and let me know, okay?"

"Of course. Sorry, I really thought you were aware. Anyway, look on the bright side. Since you're responsible for a large chunk of the winnings, you're entitled to a cut of the profits. How's fifty fifty sound?"

I gaped up at him. "I can't do that."

"Of course you can. You earned it."

"No, I didn't. I won it by accident, using your money, playing for stakes that I was totally unaware of."

"But you deserve some kind of reward. I want you to have it."

"Well I don't want it. It feels too much like a handout."


"—I'm not taking it, Sebastian! End of discussion."

Something in my tone must have got through to him, because his expression softened. "Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push."

I took a deep breath. "It's alright. I just don't do well with charity, you know? I like to earn my success."

He nodded slowly, a strange smile appearing on his face. "I completely respect that. Like I said, I'm sorry. Can we not let this ruin our night?" He leaned in so only I could hear his words. "I still have plans for you and I'd hate for them to go unfulfilled." As he spoke, he reached out and ran a hand tantalisingly down my hip.

I could already feel my tension ebbing away. It was difficult to be too angry at a man whose only crime was offering you half a million dollars. Especially if that man was a smoking hot sex god who wanted to take you home and do unspeakable things to you.

I sighed dramatically. "Fine. You know you're lucky you're so damn sexy."

"Am I now?" he said with a laugh.

I tutted and shook my head. "Fake modesty doesn't suit you. Shall we go?"

"Sure." He signalled for someone to tally up his chips, explaining that the money would be wired to him later. We said our goodbyes and headed for the car.

He must have called Joe at some point, because the older man was waiting for us when we got downstairs.

"Good night, sir?" he asked, as he opened the door.

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, although I do believe it's about to get better."

I blushed, although I'm not sure why. Given that less than two hours ago we'd been having incredibly obvious sex not five feet away from Joe, it felt like the time for embarrassment had passed. We slid into the back cabin and the car took off.

Our lack of restraint on the earlier trip had left me sated, but that melted away almost as soon as the door closed behind us. Trapped with Sebastian in the privacy of the car, the air instantly seemed to grow warmer. It was like we couldn't be alone together without there being some kind of sexual charge.

He must have felt it too. Sliding closer, he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on the nape of my neck. "I can't wait to get you home," he whispered in my ear. "I believe I was promised a show."

"And I intend to give you one," I replied.

I reached for him, trying to pull him in for a kiss, but he caught my hands in his. "Uh uh. I lost control once tonight. I'm not going to do it again. I want to wait until I've got you exactly the way I want you."

The way he said that made my sex clench with anticipation.

We sat quietly for a minute, Sebastian staring thoughtfully out the window.

"Most girls would have taken the money," he said eventually.


"Inside earlier, most girls I've dated would have taken the money."

"Well, I'm not like most girls."

I thought perhaps we were going to go round two over my refusal, but instead he just smiled ever so slightly. "No, you aren't." A few seconds passed. "You know, I think you left quite the impression on my friends."

"Oh yeah?"

"Ewan was right, I don't think there have been many women at that table. Not because they weren't wanted, it just doesn't really happen. But still, you handled yourself wonderfully. You didn't let them intimidate you."

I looked sheepish. "Would it shatter your impression of me if I said I was actually scared shitless?"

He laughed. "No. You might have been scared, but you went with your gut anyway and that's what matters. Fearless in the face of pressure. I can see now why you make a great lawyer."