Page 79 of Controlling Chloe

Turning his head to look at me, he nods. “And? You want to move her in with us?”

“Would that be okay? I don’t want to leave her all alone. She didn’t have much of a family growing up, so for the past several years, I’ve been her family.”

Daddy squeezes my hand. “I already have a moving company scheduled to move her into our house this week.”

My mouth goes slack, and I try to jump into his lap but am yanked back by the seatbelt he insisted I wear. He chuckles and leans down, kissing the side of my head.

“Safety first, Little one. We’ll be home soon.”

I roll my eyes, but a slow smile spreads across my face. This man is going to drive me batty, but I don’t want it any other way.

When I said he was going to drive me batty, that was an understatement. I’ve been confined to bed for two days, only allowed to get up when I needed to use the restroom, and I’m ready to slit Bash’s throat. The doctor even came by and told him I was perfectly fine to go on with my life like normal. I only have some bruising, but otherwise, I’m not injured. Bash said he still wanted me to rest. I want to kick him in the balls. I won’t, of course, because when he fucks me and talks about getting me pregnant with his babies, it does something to me I never expected. So, I need to let his balls stay intact. For now.

Cali and Scarlet are here, keeping me from being totally miserable while Bash leaves to go to the warehouse where some of those Red Dragon men are being held. Of course, there are still guards downstairs, and another one, Patrick, is outside the bedroom door, making sure I don’t get out of bed. Luckily, Patrick keeps the door closed, so I haven’t gotten in trouble the few times I’ve decided to get up and dance around the room.

They come loaded with supplies. Beading kits, coloring books, pencils, puzzles, a small stash of candy, and some dirty books for me to read to pass the time. I’m coloring a picture of a duck in a pond while they work on their own pictures.

“Are your Daddies over the top like this too?” I ask.

Scarlet blows out a breath. “Oh, you have no idea. Killian would barely let me feed myself when I was hurt and in bed. If I so much as sneeze, he’s trying to stick a thermometer up my butt and restricts me to bed for a week.”

Cali and I burst out laughing.

“In your butt?” I squeal.

She nods. “Oh yeah. If there’s a reason to stick something in my ass, Killian is doing it.”

I snort and cover my face as I giggle hysterically. I have a feeling that will be Bash too. He has a bit of an obsession with playing with my butt when we fuck. And when we’re not fucking. Hell, the man is just plain obsessed with all of me.

A knock at the door startles us, and I half expect Patrick to pop in and tell us to settle down, but it’s not Patrick who walks in. It’s my brother.

“Hey.” He swallows and looks at the other girls before his eyes land on me. There are dark circles under his eyes like he hasn’t been sleeping, and for the first time in my life, I’m worried about him.

“Hi,” I say. “Come sit.”

He moves to the chair beside the bed. “Cali, Scarlet, can I have some time alone with Chloe?”

Cali tilts her head and purses her lips. “What’s the magic word?”

Kieran narrows his eyes at her. “Please.”

Rolling her eyes, Cali shakes her head. “That’s not even close. The magic word is Cheetos, and it’s insulting that you didn’t know that.”

Raising an eyebrow, he pulls his phone from his pocket and holds it up. “You have three seconds to get moving or I’m calling both your Daddies and telling them about the candy you snuck over here.”

Like a fire is roaring under their asses, Cali and Scarlet quickly gather their things and scurry from the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

I grin and shake my head. “And here I thought you’d be the big teddy bear out of the bunch.”

When he doesn’t crack a smile, mine fades. “What’s wrong, Kieran?”

Leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees, he sighs and looks at the ground. “I walked in the room when Bash was cleaning you up the other day and saw all your scars.”

Like a bucket of cold water has been thrown on me, I suck in a breath and blink several times. Shame creeps its way over my skin, and my eyes fill with tears. He must think terribly of me.

“I failed you, Chloe. I’m your big brother, and I was supposed to protect you from assholes like him. It doesn’t matter that he was your father, I should have protected you. I’m…I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart. I hope you can forgive me.” His voice cracks and a tear falls to the floor.

Unable to stop myself, I scramble out from under the blankets and crawl across the bed before practically launching myself into his lap. He catches me and squeezes me hard as he buries his face in my hair. A broken sob escapes me as I cling to him.