Page 48 of Controlling Chloe

“Please let me go,” he begs.

Mr. Broken Record. Again with the pleas. The promises. We all know they mean nothing. He’s a predator… A predator who signed off on the use of a terminal to bring in a shipment of trafficked girls.

“Does this look familiar to you, Bradley?”

I hold up a copy of the form he signed. He squints at it for several seconds. “I can’t tell what it’s for.”

Kieran and I glance at each other and chuckle.

“It’s a document that allows access to a shipping terminal here in Seattle. A terminal that was recently used to bring in a bunch of kidnapped women and underage girls from Russia. That’s your signature on the page, authorizing the ship to dock.”

Bradley’s face pales. “No. I didn’t know. I didn’t know that’s what was coming in. I swear.”

I set the paper down on the nearby table and crack my knuckles. They’re still a little swollen from yesterday’s visit. “What did you think you were signing off on, then? A shipment of rainbows?”

He shakes his head and coughs a few times. “I didn’t ask questions. I was promised a substantial amount of money for each successful shipment.”

Kieran grabs hold of his hair, yanking his head back. “So, the guy who drugged my sister’s drink had no idea there were women being trafficked into the US for prostitution? I find that hard to believe.”

When Kieran lets go of his hair, Bradley starts to sputter but is cut off when Kieran throws his fist into his face.

“Tell the fucking truth, Bradley!” I shout.

“I didn’t know! I swear! At least, not about the underage ones,” he cries out between coughs.

This time, I rush forward and punch him in the chest, knocking the air right from his lungs.

I squat in front of him and pull my gun from the holster under my arm. “I’m going to give you one chance to answer my question truthfully. If you’re lying, I’ll know. Who asked you to sign off on the port usage?”

Sweat rolls down Bradley’s face. He squirms as much as the restraints allow, his gaze locked on the barrel of the gun. “You’re going to kill me anyway, so why should I tell you?”

The corners of my lips pull back into an evil smile. “You’re a smart guy. I’m glad you’re already aware of your fate. But here’s something you do get to decide. Do you want to die quickly, or do you want to die painfully over the course of several weeks? The option is yours. So, who asked for the terminal usage?”

Bradley is silent for a moment. When he’s made up his mind, he lifts his gaze to mine. “Ronald Watts.”

My entire body tenses up, and when I look over at Kieran, he’s in just as much shock as I am.

“Chloe’s father?” I ask.

Bradley nods. Without a word, Kieran and I turn to leave, nodding to the men we have guarding the warehouse to put Bradley back in his cell.

“Wait!” he shouts. “Just kill me already! Please!”

I toss a gaze over my shoulder as I keep walking. “Oh, we will. After we confirm what you told us.”



Chloe: I’m home, Daddy.

Bash: Good girl. What are you and Paisley doing for your girls’ night?

Chloe: I think we’re going to watch movies and eat junk food.

Bash: You could have done that at my house, you know. My TV is bigger.

Chloe: Daddy…