Page 45 of Controlling Chloe

He comes up behind me, his citrus scent filling the space. “After you finish school and pass the bar exam, I’m giving you five hundred thousand dollars to start your makeup line.”

My blush brush drops with a clatter into the sink. What?



My girl stares at me like I’ve lost my mind. Silly girl, she should know I lost it seven years ago when I first laid eyes on her.

“You can’t give me that kind of money, Ba—I mean Daddy!”

I place my hands on either side of her hips, trapping her between me and the counter. “I can, and I will. My girl isn’t going to live her life doing something she doesn’t want to do. She’s going to live it happy, doing what she’s passionate about, and her Daddy is going to support her along the way.”

Her gaze softens as she peers up at me from under her long lashes. “Daddy, it means so much to me that you want me to pursue my passion. Really, it means the whole world to me. You can’t give me that kind of money, though. It’s not appropriate. We just, you know, started this thing between us.”

My lips twitch at her nervous hand motions.

This thing between us.

“This thing,” I say, “is forever. You’re going to be my wife. I’m going to fill you with my babies and watch you become the most beautiful mom in the world. What’s mine is all yours, baby. The only thing I want from you is your love and loyalty.”

A small squeak escapes her as those beautiful blue eyes go wide. “Who said anything about babies?”

I shrug. “Do you not want babies? If you don’t want them, we don’t have to have them. I’ll just pretend I’m trying to get you pregnant when I’m fucking you. All I need to be happy is you for the rest of my life, everything else is a bonus.”

She’s completely rigid against me, and for a moment, I worry I’ve gone too far, too soon. I don’t seem to have that warning bell that should go off, telling me to shut the fuck up when I’m around her.

When she huffs out a shaky breath and then starts giggling, my stomach tightens into a ball. Shit. I did. I went too far.

“You are unreal. It’s been three days, and you’re already talking about marriage and babies. This is… This is weird. Right? People don’t do this. Not regular people. They date for a few years and then maybe get married, and then a few years after that, they might have a baby. That’s…that’s the normal way to do it.”

My poor baby. She’s panicking.

I wrap my hands around her biceps and gently stroke them with my thumbs. Her eyes soften as she stares up at me. My touch alone seems to center her and bring her back to reality. “Nothing about our lives is normal, sweetheart. We live very differently than the rest of the population. In this life, we don’t know how long we’ll have. Men in the mafia don’t usually die of old age. So maybe I’m moving quickly, but it’s because I’ve been without you for the past seven years, and I don’t want to spend another year of my life without you being mine.”

Her hands slide into my suit jacket and rest on my pecs. When she raises her gaze to mine, she sighs. “I don’t like the thought of you not being here for a long time.”

Lowering my face, I nuzzle my nose to hers. “I don’t either, baby. But having you by my side, I’m going to do everything in my power to live as long as possible.”

A quick, painful pinch catches me off guard, and she smiles. “If you die before me, I’m not going to be with you in heaven. I’ll find someone else.”

I let out a low growl and pick her up, setting her on the counter roughly, so she gets a reminder of her tender bottom. “First of all, brat, no pinching Daddy. And second, I’d like to see you try to be with someone else in heaven. You think I’m unhinged now, just you wait.”

And then I start tickling her sides until she’s screaming and kicking, trying to get free.

“Okay! Okay! I won’t be with anyone else!” she squeals.

When I release her, she’s grinning and out of breath. “But you have to promise to live as long as possible. Okay?”

“I promise, Little girl.”

She raises an eyebrow and lifts her hand in the air. “Pinky promise.”

I stare at her delicate pinky and raise mine to it. “Pinky promises are sacred. I’d never break one.”

We hook our fingers together, and that seems to soothe her worries because her expression softens, and she lets out a deep sigh.

“Do you want to have babies?” I ask.