Page 40 of Controlling Chloe

“Would you do my makeup sometime? I never know what I’m doing,” Scarlet says.

I slide a bead onto the string and smile. “I’d love to. I can teach you some tricks too.”

Cali grins from ear to ear. “I’m so glad we got to meet you. Bash was reluctant to introduce us because he thinks we’ll be a bad influence.”

“Why would he think that?” I hold up my bracelet and sigh. This is my happy place.

“Well, um, we tend to get into trouble together a lot.” Cali shrugs.

“They call it trouble, we call it fun,” Scarlet adds.

Cali looks at the tray of beads, her gaze totally focused like she’s trying to choose just the right one. “Daddy says we do it on purpose so we can get spanked. Which is kind of true.”

Scarlet giggles and bobs her head. “Definitely true.”

My eyes go wide. The only person I’ve talked to about this kind of thing is Paisley. She’s going to be so jealous that she’s not here to be part of this. I think she’d fit right in.

“You do stuff on purpose to get spanked?” I ask quietly.

Both women stop and look at me like I have a second head.

“Sometimes. Sometimes it happens naturally,” Scarlet replies.

Cali goes back to adding to her bracelet. “Have you ever been spanked?”

I shake my head. “Um, no. I’ve always, you know, thought about it. Bash has threatened it a bunch of times. I’m kind of nervous, but also, I’m really curious.”

Scarlet giggles. “Bash threatening you doesn’t surprise me. He likes to act all chill, but I had a feeling he’d be a strict Daddy with a twitchy palm.”

Heat spreads through my body. “He’s definitely not what I first expected.”

“What are you nervous about?” Cali asks.

I shrug. “What if I hate it? It hurts, right?”

Both women grin.

“It hurts like hell, but it’s also amazing. It brings us closer every time. And the aftercare is the best thing in the world,” Cali explains.

Scarlet nods. “I’m always nervous before a spanking, and I don’t always want it, but I feel better right afterward. It’s like the pain cleanses any bad thoughts or emotions I’m having. And once my punishment is over, Daddy forgets the whole thing. He never holds it over my head when I mess up. It’s like a clean slate.”

Even though I haven’t cut myself in years, I still think about it and how I always felt cleansed of my father’s harsh words afterward. Would a spanking give me that kind of feeling? Would it take away the urge to go find a razor when I’m really struggling?

“Do you trust that Bash won’t harm you?” Cali asks.

I nod without thinking about it because I do. I know he’s a dangerous criminal, but I also know he would die before he let anything happen to me.

Cali lifts her gaze to mine. “Then let him Daddy you. He’ll take care of you. Let go. Be naughty. Be a brat. It keeps them on their toes and keeps them humble. They need to be humbled every once in a while.”

Our conversation is interrupted when Bash, Kieran, Declan, and Killian walk in.

Bash comes straight over to me and smiles. “Pretty bracelet, baby girl. Did you make me one?”

I tip my head back to look up at him. “No. I didn’t think you’d want a piece of plastic jewelry.”

He tugs on my hair and leans down to kiss me. “If you make it, I want it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”