Page 38 of Controlling Chloe

“They’re your friends. We can’t just leave if I’m not comfortable.”

I grab her hand and bring it to my lips, pressing gentle kisses to her palm. “The fuck we can’t. They might be my friends, but you’re my girl. Your needs come first.”

It’s going to take time for her to truly understand that I mean what I say. She’s never been put first before. I know she loved her mom, but I don’t think even she put Chloe first. If Kieran had been able to be a part of her life more, he would have always made her his first priority. It pisses me off that her asshole father kept her from him. Just one more thing to add to the list of sins he'll pay dearly for.

After helping her out of the car, I take her hand and lead her up the stone steps to the house. As soon as we enter the foyer, Cali and Scarlet start screaming with excitement and race down the hall toward us.

“No running!” Declan booms.

Both women come to a skidding stop a few feet away.

“You must be Chloe!” Cali squeals as she springs forward.

Before I can stop her or warn Chloe, Cali has her arms wrapped around my girl and is hugging her for dear life.

“We’ve heard so much about you from Kieran and Bashie. We’ve been dying to meet you,” Scarlet says, bouncing on her tiptoes.

Chloe giggles and accepts hugs from the women. Not that she had much of a choice.

When she returns to my side, she looks up at me with a smug grin. “Bashie, huh?”

I lean down until my mouth is near her ear. “It’s Daddy to you, Little girl, and if you ever call me Bashie, you won’t sit for a week.”

Her cheeks turn pink as she trembles in my hold. It won’t be long before she’s over my knee for something. I have no doubt about it. My baby is a good girl, but there’s a naughty streak in there. I can feel it, and I can’t wait to see it.

“Daddy’s housekeeper made us pancakes for breakfast. Do you like pancakes? We also have sausage and fruit and oatmeal and bagels and?—”

“Little girl, take a breath,” Declan commands as he approaches.

Cali sucks in a breath, and as soon as he gets near, she climbs up on him like a tree. “Sorry. I’m so excited.”

Chloe moves a fraction closer to me when Declan’s gaze lands on her, and if I could rip off my suit and beat my chest right now, I would. She’s seeking me for comfort. It’s a win in my book.

“Chloe, you remember Declan?” I ask.

“Yes,” she says, offering him a small smile.

“It’s good to see you again, Chloe. Sorry for the rambunctious greeting. The girls have been counting down the time until they could meet you.”

Kieran and Grady come around the corner, and as soon as Chloe sees her brother, she rushes to him for a hug. When the big bastard wraps his arms around her, I let out a low growl. It’s ridiculous. He’s her damn brother. I just don’t like seeing her in anyone’s arms but mine.

“You remember Grady?” Kieran points to Grady.

She nods and gives him a small wave.

“Let’s go eat. Grace will have a fit if the food gets cold before we sit down.” Declan says.

As soon as we’re all seated with plates of food in front of us, Scarlet and Cali begin their interrogation.

“Do you like making bracelets?” Scarlet asks.

Chloe nods. “Yes. I love doing stuff like that.”

Cali shoves a bite of pancake in her mouth. “What about diamond art?”

Declan wraps his hand in Cali’s ponytail and tugs her head back slightly. “Chew and swallow your food before you speak.”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she mumbles, still chewing.