Page 2 of Controlling Chloe

“Sure thing. It’ll give me time to get hysterical. Talk to you soon.”

After we hang up, I step out to the sink and touch up my lipstick. Not because I want to look good for Bradley, but to buy a bit of time before I have to go back out there.

A woman walks in with a look of disgust on her face. She goes directly to the sink next to me and starts vigorously washing her hands. We catch each other’s eyes in the mirror.

“Be careful when you go back out there. Some creep just hit on me and grabbed my hand,” she warns.

I grimace and shake my head. “I’m sorry. That’s gross. What does he look like?”

“Like what you would picture a pretty boy entitled asshole to look like. He thinks he’s some hotshot who’s going to be president one day. I’m pretty sure he has a date with him too, which is even worse. There’s a wine glass and a martini glass at the table across from him. What a prick.”

Honestly, I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not. Not even a little bit.

I smile warily. “That would be me. I’m the date.”

The woman’s eyes widen. She looks worried I might freak out on her.

“My bestie is calling with a fake emergency so I can escape.” I look at my phone. “In eight minutes. Eight long, torturous minutes.”

“Oh, girl. I’m so sorry. That guy is slimy. How did you end up on a date with him in the first place?”

With a sigh, I shake my head. “Because I’m an idiot who’s always trying to win the love of her father. And it always bites me in the ass.”

She gives me a pitying look. “Do you want me to go out there with you? Or maybe I could create a distraction so you can get out sooner?”

Even though this woman is a stranger, I already love her. Women who protect other women are my favorite human beings.

I smile. “Thanks. I’m good. I don’t want to create a scene. I’d never hear the end of it from my father. A fake emergency will get me out quietly.”

She nods then steps toward me to give me a brief hug. “Good luck, girl. I hope that guy gets what he deserves.”

Yeah. Me too. If he ever becomes the leader of our country, we are completely and royally fucked as a nation.

“By the way, your makeup is stunning. How do you get your eyeliner like that?”

Warmth spreads through me. I’ve never felt more appreciative of a woman in my life. She’s a stranger, yet in the few minutes we’ve been chatting, she’s made me feel so much better. The world needs more of her.

“It takes a lot of practice. I have a YouTube channel where I give tutorials. I put this look on my channel the other day.” I pull out a pen from my purse and rip a piece of paper towel to write down the name of my channel.

When I hand it to her, she smiles and holds the paper towel to her chest. “Thank you. I’ve always struggled with doing makeup. I’ll definitely look you up.”

We give each other one more brief hug before I sigh. “Guess I better go.”

She looks as unsure as I feel. After taking several deep, calming breaths, I head back out to my date.



“We’ll provide the weapons at a third of what we charge everyone else.” I run the tip of my index finger over the rim of my glass and glance around the restaurant. It’s busy tonight. As it is most nights. You wouldn’t think owning upscale restaurants and clubs would be such a money maker, but we’ve learned the two things the locals of Seattle love are a good steak and a heavily poured drink.

The two men I’m with stare back at me, smirking.

Knox speaks first. “Are you giving us a good deal because you want us to be in your debt?”

I smile at them and lift a shoulder. “I’m pretty sure, at this point in our relationship, we scratch each other’s backs when needed.”

“No offense, but I’d prefer not to think about scratching your back,” Angel says with a grin.