Another growl works its way up. “Why not? Kieran’s my best friend, you’re my girl. It makes sense for me to come.”
She smacks my chest and shakes her head. “You’re not coming. I haven’t spent nearly enough time with my brother over the years, and I feel horrible about it. I need some one-on-one time with him. Maybe, if you ask, tomorrow night we can have dinner.”
If I kill Kieran, she won’t have to spend time with him. Then again, if I off him, she’ll be sad, and I don’t want that. Shit. I guess I’ll have to deal with it. Maybe I’ll go over to Declan’s and see what Cali and Scarlet are up to tonight. They’re always fun to hang with. I love watching them run circles around my brother and Killian.
“Fine. Tomorrow night, then.”
“If you ask. You can’t demand all the time, Bash.”
“It’s Daddy to you, Little girl.”
She quirks a brow and pushes out her lips into a stubborn pout. “I’m not one of your men who’s going to fall in line just because you say so.”
I wink at her and grin. “Maybe you should. It would be so much easier for me.”
She giggles and rolls her eyes. “I have a feeling too many people jump to do your bidding every time you issue a command. Too bad for you, I’m not going to be one of them.”
My skin heats, and my heart pounds against my ribcage. I press a kiss on her forehead. “That’s good, baby. I like you sassy. Gives me more opportunities to spank your ass.”
Someone starts hammering downstairs, reminding me why I came here in the first place. I wonder if Paisley is still down there wearing the carpet thin with her pacing.
“Let’s go downstairs. I’ll introduce you to the guys and teach you how to use the security system.”
I help her to her feet. As we make our way out of her room, I notice a small shoebox of makeup and remember the box she has at the bottom of her closet. This stuff looks used up and old too.
“What’s all that makeup for?”
She glances down at the box and smiles. “Oh, uh, I just love collecting makeup. I sometimes film tutorials and post them online. It’s no big deal. I save all the unique containers. I don’t know why. It’s probably a weird thing to do.”
“Hey,” I say as I grab her elbow. “It’s not weird, baby, and I don’t want you thinking that. I think it’s cool. I didn’t know you did makeup tutorials.”
Sadness flashes in her eyes. “Makeup is my one true passion in life. But it’s not an acceptable career path according to my father. So, I do it for fun. When I finish school, I’ll have more time for filming.”
My gaze is fixed on the box of makeup. She heads out of the bedroom and turns the corner to go down the hall. I start to follow but stop again when I reach her laundry basket. She’s mine now. Completely and utterly mine.
“Are you coming?” she calls out.
I quickly snatch up a pair of black cotton panties and shove them in my pocket. “Coming, baby girl.”
“So let me get this straight. Kieran’s half-sister is your girlfriend?” Cali asks.
I shrug. “She’s going to be my wife. And my Little girl.”
Scarlet stares at me like I’m an alien. “And Kieran is okay with this?”
Declan, Killian, Grady, and Ronan are all looking at me, fully amused by the girls grilling me. Fuckers.
“Yes. We talked. He’s good with it.”
Cali raises her eyebrows and smirks at Scarlet then looks at me again. “When can we meet her?”
I exhale deeply. “Don’t even think about trying to get her to join your little troublemaker club.”
Both women scoff.
“We don’t have a club, silly. That’s ridiculous. But maybe she could be our friend at least. We’re family after all.” Cali’s eyes go round and wide. “Aren’t we?”
Declan barks out a laugh while Ronan brings his fist up to his mouth to hide his grin. The little brat just had to hit home on the family part. She knows how important that is to me.