Page 66 of Controlling Chloe

“Paisley gave it to me,” she says with a soft smile. “When we lived on campus, she bought both of us one, and we always carried them in our purses, just in case. We watched videos on where to stab it for the most painful result.”

My eyes widen. Fucking Paisley. I like that girl.

“Why’s it in your makeup bag then?”

Shrugging, she puts the cap back on. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t feel like I needed it after I moved back home.”

I stare at the tube for several seconds. “Keep it in your purse at all times, baby. It’s a good thing to have. After finals, I’m going to teach you some other skills to protect yourself.”

She looks back at me in the reflection of the mirror, opening her mouth like she’s going to argue. I raise an eyebrow and pin her with a stern look.

With a sigh, she slides it into the back pocket of her jeans. “Okay. I’ll keep it in my purse.”

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, you know,” I whisper.

Her lips pull into a wide smile. “Yeah? Well, you’re okay yourself, Daddy.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “Brat. Come on. You need to eat before you head to school.”

“I can drive myself, you know.”

“No. Cullen will drive you and wait in the car. If you need to go anywhere afterward, he can take you. Just make sure you let me know so I’m aware of what you’re doing. Understand?”

When I tap on her bottom, she quickly bobs her head. “I know, Daddy. I promise I’ll tell you everywhere I go from now on. Do you want me to let you know when I’m going to the bathroom, too?”

“Yes. I would like that.”

She stops mid-step and stares at me with her mouth hanging open. “You can’t be serious, Daddy.”

I turn and cup her chin. “Don’t ask sarcastic questions if you don’t want sarcastic answers, naughty girl. Although, I do like the idea of knowing all my girl’s personal business, so maybe I should make that a rule.”

“Daddy,” she whines.

I kiss her temple and chuckle. “Okay, we’ll put that rule on the back burner for now.”

By the time I help her into the SUV, I’m already counting down the minutes until she gets home.

“Good luck today. You’re going to do great. I’m so proud of you.”

She grins and throws her arms around my neck. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Little girl. I’ll see you later.”

Kieran pulls up in his Range Rover right as Cullen drives away. I get in, and we head to Declan’s house. Hopefully, we’ll have some more information from Cage this morning.

Alessandro De Luca and Luciano Ricci are in his office when we arrive. Alessandro leads the Cosa Nostra, and Luciano is his second in command. The Italians are our closest allies. The rest of the syndicates have no idea of our working relationship, and we like to keep it that way. It’s a secret weapon when we need it.

“Alessandro, Luciano,” I say, shaking both men’s hands.

“We got some intel from one of our men about this gang that’s been operating here in Seattle. They’ve been distributing dirty guns to teenage kids. After speaking with Declan, I believe we are both after the same group. The name Smoke was brought to my attention,” Alessandro says.

“Smoke is the name of the guy Bradley mentioned…before he was disposed of. He said Smoke and his gang are the ones responsible for the trafficking.” I lean against the wall, my arms crossed over my chest.

“So, we have dirty guns on the streets and young women being kidnapped and brought over from Russia. Are the guns coming out of Russia too?” Ronan asks.

Declan shrugs. “No idea.”

I cock my head. “When I met with Knox and Angel the other night, they wanted to get their weapons from us because the people they’ve been using are giving them bad guns. They mentioned they thought there was something else shady going on with their supplier. Let’s call Knox and see whether he can shed some light on who they are.”