Page 62 of Controlling Chloe

After a while, I find a movie to watch and curl up with my new duck stuffie. My phone vibrates, bringing an automatic smile to my lips and a tingle rushing to my core. It should be annoying that he’s checking on me as often as he is, but I love it. He’s taking time out of his busy day for me.

Instead of Bash’s name, it’s Paisley’s.

Paisley: How’s your ass feel today?

Chloe: Sore. And loved.

Paisley: I bet. Is Bash less upset now?

Chloe: Yes. Although, he informed me this morning that he’s going to start having bodyguards follow me around soon.

My phone immediately starts ringing, and I swipe to answer it.

“Girl, he said what?” Paisley demands.

I giggle. “It’s normal. Cali and Scarlet have guards anywhere they go. It’s a precaution. I’m connected to the mafia now, so I could be a target for one of their enemies. He said they will stay out of my way, and after a while, I won’t even know they’re there.”

Paisley’s silent for a minute. “Are you sure you want to get mixed up in all of this? It all seems pretty intense. This isn’t the norm for people, you know? What if something happens to you?”

I stroke my stuffie’s fur and sigh. She isn’t wrong. I’ve had the same thoughts. Bash is more than intense. Maybe it’s because I’ve always known my brother to be a mafia man that it’s not as big of a deal for me as it is for her. She’s never known anyone in this life. There are dangers to it. Kieran has told me that all my life. That if anything ever happened to him, I needed to remember how much he loves me. I hated when he would say stuff like that. I don’t want to think about anything happening to my brother.

“Something could happen to me anywhere. I could get hit by a bus while crossing the street. A maggot could eat my brains while I sleep. I could drown in my bathtub. There’s always a risk. I guess I’d prefer to enjoy my life while I’m here and not worry so much about the what-ifs. Besides, Bash is so overprotective. He’s not going to let anything happen to me.”

Paisley’s quiet for a few seconds. “You’re in love with him.”

I giggle. “I am.”

“I fucking knew it,” she laughs. “How’s his dick?”


She huffs. “Fine. Fine. Keep all the deets to yourself. But was it good? Better than your previous lovers?”

“Oh, God. There’s no comparison. Bash is…everything and more. I’m talking multiple orgasms in one night. He even cleaned me up with a washcloth afterward. It was amazing.”

“Okay. Fine. I approve of your boyfriend. Just, when you bring him around, don’t let your brother come, okay? He’s a total jerk.”

My lips pull back into a wide smile. “Okay. But Kieran is actually a sweetheart. He’s just protective.”

Paisley snorts. “Let’s agree to disagree. Hey, someone’s at the door. I’ll call you later. Enjoy all your orgasms, and if you meet any of Bash’s nice friends, send them my way.”

I’m giggling as we end the call. Oh, Paisley. Whoever ends up with that girl is going to have their hands full.

Bash walks in through the door not long after I get off the phone with Paisley. With Quackers in his hand. And a huge duffel bag.

“What? How did you get that?”

He smiles and winks. “Daddy has his ways. I wanted you to have your stuffie here so you’re more comfortable. We’ll get movers to bring the rest this week.”

I bolt upright and cock my head. “What are you talking about? Movers? Daddy, I can’t move in with you. I have a lease with Paisley. I can’t ditch her. She can’t afford to live by herself.”

Bash sets the bag down and drops Quackers on the bed before he reaches for me. He plucks me up and carries me to the chair that he sat on last night while he spanked my bottom. My skin tingles as panic rushes through me. Is he angry?

When he sits down, he settles me on his lap and holds me against his chest. “Baby, you’re an amazing friend. I know Paisley means a lot to you. I would never plan something without making sure she was taken care of too. I’ve paid the lease in full for the next two years. I’ve also put a lump sum toward each of the utilities, so she won’t have to worry about any bills. Her student loans have also been paid off, and there will be groceries delivered to her weekly. Now, give me your next argument so I can see that it’s taken care of.”

My mouth drops open as I stare at him in shock. Did all those words actually come from his mouth? I’m no math expert, but I’m pretty sure her student loans were in the hundreds of thousands. What is happening right now? Is this my life? Having a man, a Daddy, who sees a problem and fixes it in the blink of an eye?

Will Paisley be okay by herself? She doesn’t make a ton of money but without having any bills to pay, she could start building her savings. We’ve lived together for so long. I’ll miss her.