Page 32 of Controlling Chloe

Her mouth falls open, and she starts blinking rapidly. After a few seconds, she shakes her head. “You can’t say stuff like that, Bash.”

“What did you call me?” I ask in a low voice.

It takes a second before she realizes what I mean. “I can’t call you that in public.”

“Oh, yes, you can. And you will. I won’t punish you if you don’t call me Daddy when we’re in front of people who aren’t part of our inner bubble, but when we’re alone, like we are now, you’ll call me Daddy.”

She shifts in her seat and stares at me as if she isn’t sure what to think or say. That’s okay, though. Her heavy breathing and squirming tell me everything I need to know. She might not want to like what I said, but she does.

“Right, well, as I said before, you can’t say stuff like that. We barely know each other.”

“I don’t say things I don’t mean, baby girl. And I’m never going to keep my feelings from you. It might take you some time to accept it, but you’re mine. Forever.”

With a huff, she shakes her head, but she’s smiling. “Okay, I can see I won’t win this argument, so we’ll put it on the back burner for now.”

I grin, knowing she’ll bring it up again at some point, but my answer will be the same. “Sure, baby. Whatever makes you happy.”

“What I was originally asking when you went off the rails is, how does this work? I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone like you before, so I feel like I’m a bit lost.”

“Well, it works however we want. Let’s start easy and get to know each other. Tell me about your love of makeup.”

The way her face lights up warms my entire body. Her piercing blue eyes dance with excitement. If it makes her this happy that I asked about it, I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure she has an endless supply of whatever cosmetics she wants.

“I loved playing with my mom’s makeup when I was a kid, and she always let me. She said I was wearing her lipstick by the time I was two. When I got older, I started filming tutorial videos for different looks and put them on YouTube. It’s so fun. I wanted to go to business school, so I could maybe start my own cosmetic line someday, but that didn’t happen so it’s a hobby now.”

I’m pretty sure I already know, but I need to hear it from her beautiful, heart-shaped lips. “Why didn’t you go to business school?”

Her expression instantly sours. She holds her wine glass so tightly that I’m afraid it might shatter.

“My father told me it was a ridiculous idea to have a makeup line, and that he wasn’t going to fund college for me unless I went to law school. Everyone in his family has been a lawyer, so that was the only acceptable occupation for me to choose.”

Suddenly, I have no appetite for food. The only thing I’m hungry for is her father’s blood on my hands. I had a feeling he forced her to take that path. I flex my hands a couple of times while trying to calm down. I’m pissed at him, not her.

“Do you want to be a lawyer? Even a little bit?”

She stares at her wine for several seconds before she meets my gaze. “No. I don’t. It’s never been something I’ve been interested in.”

I nod and clear my throat as the server arrives with our dinner. As soon as he disappears, I lean back and watch Chloe twirl the pasta around on her fork. She closes her eyes and lets out a moan of appreciation, and I swear to God, I just came a little. Fuck. I want to hear that noise while I’m driving into her.

When she opens her eyes and notices me staring, her cheeks turn pink. “What?”

Shaking my head, I pick up my fork. “Nothing, baby girl. Just admiring the view.”

We eat in silence for several minutes. I always forget how good the chicken piccata is here. But since she loves Italian so much, I’ll be bringing her here often.

“So, tell me about the tutorials you do when you film. How do you do it? Where do you get your ideas for looks?”

The excitement returns to her eyes, and her hands move through the air as she explains the different types of products, the looks, and where she gets her inspiration. With each word, I fall for her a little more.

As we leave the restaurant, my skin heats, and my stomach tightens with dread. I don’t want to take her home. I’ve spent the past seven years without her. I don’t want to be apart from her for even a minute.

“Will you come stay the night with me?”

It’s not a question I’m used to asking. Normally, women are begging me to take them home with me. Chloe isn’t most women, though. She’s mine. And I’m not above begging her. I wouldn’t drop to my knees for anyone else, but for her, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

She looks up at me with uncertainty painted over her features. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

We’re standing at the passenger side of my Escalade with the door open. “Why not?”