“Penny will always be mine.” She tries to hurt me with her words. “I’m the one that carried her for nine months.” She sneers like she has something over on me.
“You and Donna are just incubators. After those babies were born you didn’t do shit but cause pain. I’ve never seen more worthless bitches in my life. Royal has raised the most beautiful little girl, she is so special and you’re too fucked up to realize what you could have had.”
It does hurt me for those girls because these women have chosen everyone and everything else over their own kids.
I would rather die than give up mine.
I would suffer the worst torture if that meant they’d be safe and loved. That’s the difference between a real mother and bitches like these.
The other girls step forward, choosing who they want to work over, but Sabrina is all mine.
I lean over to whisper in her ear, “I know what you did to Royal.” Her eyes widen, probably wondering what the fuck I’m going to do to her.
One part of me wants to show her the pain she caused, but I can’t do that. There is a wall filled with all kinds of things to use for torture.
I walk over and study them, ignoring Twister who is staring at me with hate. He is completely naked and his dick is barely hanging on from when Royal stabbed it.
I laugh. “What’s the matter, Twister, can’t get your dick up?” All the men laugh. “I’m surprised he even hit it.” I make fun of his pitiful excuse of a dick. “No wonder you have to try to rape someone. I bet every woman has laughed at the sight of that.” I curl my top lip up, disgusted by him. “You know, he couldn’t even rape me?” I tell the guys, and I can see the anger building.
Royal moves to my side. You can feel the rage radiating from him in waves. “Might as well get rid of this then.” Royal puts on gloves and reaches over to grab a knife, which looks old and dull.
He grabs Twister’s dick, and my eyes widen. Royal looks at Twister right in the eye. “Won’t be able to use this again.” Royal twists it hard.
Twister screams at the top of his lungs, and his face reddens to the color of a tomato. “Please, just take me to the hospital. I’m so sorry that I did that to you. I wasn’t thinking. They made me,” he blubbers, trying to find the words to make us sympathize with him. “Please, I think my dick is going to fall off,” he begs with Royal one last time, but Royal picks up the rusty, dull knife and starts sawing off his dick.
Twister screams and screams.
His body is convulsing from the pain, but one thing I don’t feel is remorse. He feels sorry right now, but earlier he was going to hurt me in the worst way, and he beat me, allowed those girls to beat me, and kidnapped me from my family.
Royal gives one solid pull, Twister’s dick falling straight from his body. He is still screaming with that bloodcurdling noise.
Royal lifts the severed dick, grabs Twister’s chin, holds his mouth open, and stuffs his dick in his mouth, the screaming becoming muffled as he chokes on his own dick.
“Well, at least he’s getting to stick his dick in someone’s mouth today.”
Royal chuckles, taking the gloves off and putting his hand on my ass. “It’s sexy when you’re bloodthirsty.” He kisses me loudly in front of everyone.
“Fuck me, can you guys do that away from me?” Shane gags, and I laugh against Royal’s lips, moving back to my side of the room.
The room is huge, with massive, tall ceilings, and the walls are made from dark brick. The lights are bright overhead, highlighting the bloodstains on the floor, and in the center of the floor is a drain to wash all of the blood away.
At the back of the room is a door, and it’s open so you can see inside. There are jail cells with just a bucket in the corner of each cell and two dog bowls that I’m guessing are used to eat out of.
When I return to my side, the girls are still tied to the chair. They have a look of horror and fear on their faces.
“Here, ladies!” Terror looks so excited.
Terror walks over with a little rolling table filled with tools. “Well, thank you, baby.” Meghan kisses him on the cheek like he just gave her the best gift.
“All right, I think I pick Selene! She is an uptight bitch that I’m going looove getting my hands on.” River rubs her hands together with glee.
Looking at the table, I find a pair of scissors. “Can we lift her in the air?” I ask Reaper, who is standing by us.
He moves to the wall and unties Sabrina’s hands from the chair, so they’re in front of her instead. She tries to jump out of the chair, like she can escape. I catch her by her hair, stopping her before she can move.
“Sit the fuck down, bitch.” Reaper takes her hands and straps it to the chain, then he pushes a button that lifts her off the chair, giving me full access to her. He then ties her legs to the floor so she can’t kick out and hit me.
“Well, I like this much better,” I tell her, making her eye level with me so she can see that she can’t do a thing to me. She lifts her head back and toward my face like she is trying to headbutt me.