Page 56 of Royal

She looks at me with confusion but agrees. I decide to tell her, as she might hear Presley talking and be confused about what’s going on.

“Earlier, your daddy was getting a bad guy and when he went into his house, he found a little girl. She didn’t have a good home, baby. She was sad, scared, and hungry. She doesn’t have anything.”

Penny’s little lip trembles, she is the sweetest angel. “Oh my gosh, that’s so sad. Can she stay with us, so she doesn’t get scared anymore? I can share my clothes.”

God, I love this girl.

“Yes, angel, she can stay.”

She beams. “Can I go meet her?” she asks, and I barely even agree before she gets off the bed and runs to each guest room until she finds Presley.

“Oh my God, you look like the princess from Brave!” she practically screeches. I laugh as they both start talking about all of the Disney princesses and who is their favorite.

Knowing Penny is okay with it, I gather some clothes and other things Presley needs to bathe.

Everything will be okay.


Shane is pissed, and I understand why. He grows more pissed by the minute as he follows me to the clubhouse in my truck.

I lead him through the building and down to the basement, stopping right outside of the door. “What the fuck is going on?” he demands.

His chest is heaving, and his hands are fisted at his sides like he is seconds away from knocking my ass out.

“You have done everything for my girl, and I know I can’t take back the shit that happened to you, but I have something that might help.”

I push open the door, and hanging from the ceiling like a deer to be butchered is Earl butt-ass naked—somehow, he lost his underwear along the way.

Shane starts to grin. “Oh, fuck yeah, this will make me feel a lot better.” He chuckles darkly, then looks at the woman sitting in the chair.

“This is Donna. She agreed with Earl to give her daughter to us to pay a debt.”

He curses. “That is the little girl my sister had with her, isn’t it?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“You go first and take out your piece, but I get to be the one that ends him. He tried many times to get to my sister, to hurt her.” Shane gives me the go-ahead.

“Don’t mind the fuck if I do.”

“Please, you have the girl. Don’t do this to us.”

“You’re so fucking stupid. You don’t even know why you’re here.”

Earl stops his begging when he realizes that. “Then why?”

“Does Naomi and Shane ring a bell? You dated their mom when they were kids.” He looks at Shane, and I can see the realization dawning on him.

“Ahh, yes, it seems that we have a kiddy fucker, brother. You know what we do to them fuckers.”

My brothers are standing around the room, itching to have their turn. Reaper comes over with a band that they use to castrate bulls.

Earl screams and tries to kick away from us, but it just adds more pressure on his shoulders when he is swinging around like that.

I slip on some gloves and put the band in the little device that opens it. “Can someone hold this fucker’s legs?” Monster is the one to come over and help me, I drag the band over his balls and let the band snap into place.

The scream he lets out is horrifying, and then I put one around his dick for good measure. He is sputtering about things that don’t make sense, crying, begging for his life.