Page 14 of Royal

“I don’t want to fucking leave,” Royal growls, turning to look at me in the middle of my living room.

My nerves are twisting my stomach up. What if he kisses me? I look at his lips, and they’re beautiful, begging to be kissed.

A bike pulls up outside my house, and I can see the headlights through my shades over the windows. Royal takes a deep breath before his hand cups my face, tilting my head up.

“I have to go, but I have a prospect who is going to stay outside of your place to make sure no one bothers you.”

My mouth opens in shock at hearing this. “Why?”

He leans forward, and I close my eyes when his lips touch my forehead. I grip his cut in my hands, and my eyes flutter open when he pulls away. “You are beautiful. I will see you soon, okay?”

I’m in a daze when he moves forward again, kissing my cheek right next to my lips, but not touching me where I want him to.

“I will be by to take you to work after I drop off Penny at school on Monday.” He smiles and kisses my forehead one last time, then walks out the door. I follow him to the deck. “This prospect will be watching you, so if you need anything, tell him,” he says, pointing to a massive guy on the bike outside my trailer.

I wouldn’t dare try to mess with his man because, holy shit, he is scary-looking. I kiss Royal on the cheek, and he winks at me, then he is off.

I rub my chest, hating that he is leaving but I’m so happy this date was such a success.


I open my door, and the babysitter slips past me after giving me an update on Penny, who is waiting for me in her bedroom as I read to her every night before she goes to sleep.

She sits up when she sees me standing at the door. “How was the date?” she asks, and I laugh.

“It went good, baby.”

I talked with Penny for a long time after I asked Naomi on a date because my daughter is my life. I never want to do anything to hurt her or make her upset.

She gave me the go-ahead to date and told me in her own words that she wanted her own mom. Her aunts are excellent, but she wanted her own mother figure to call her own.

That fucking wrecked me when she said that shit.

“Is she awesome?” she asks, and I chuckle again, taking her storybook off her bedside table. It’s a massive book filled with princess stories.

“She is amazing, and her son is still small, around two years old,” I tell her, and her eyes light with excitement.

“I can meet her soon?” she asks when I open the book.

“Whenever you’re comfortable.”

She looks at me and then nods, looking too much like me. “Okay, Daddy, can we get McDonald’s for breakfast in the morning?”

I kiss her forehead. “You got it, angel.”

She scoots over, and I pull off my shoes, sliding into the bed next to her. She cuddles into my side, and I read to her until she falls asleep.

One day, I hope to have Naomi and Donovan beside her.

One day fucking soon, if I have anything to do with it.

Chapter 5


The guy on the bike never left all weekend. He walked around the trailer to ensure everything was okay during the nights.

This is the safest I have felt in years, and I didn’t worry about someone breaking in as I slept. Royal wanted to ensure we were safe while he couldn’t be here personally.